RTI Secure WAN Transport

Core Libraries and Utilities

Installation Guide

Version 5.0

© 2007-2012 Real-Time Innovations, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A. First printing.

August 2012.


Real-Time Innovations, RTI, and Connext are trademarks or registered trademarks of Real-Time Innovations, Inc. All other trademarks used in this document are the property of their respective owners.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy, and facsimile) without the prior written permission of Real- Time Innovations, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under and subject to the RTI software license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement.

Third-Party Software

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http:// www.openssl.org/).

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright notice below, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Copyright (c) 1998-2011 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

Technical Support

Real-Time Innovations, Inc.

232 E. Java Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94089


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This chapter provides instructions on how to download and install RTI® WAN Secure Transport and other required components.

This document contains the following sections:

Download Instructions (Section 1)

Installation Instructions (Section 2)

Available Documentation (Section 3)

1 Download Instructions

Download the distribution file for RTI Secure WAN Transport from the RTI Support Portal, acces- sible from https://support.rti.com/.

RTI Secure WAN Transport also requires OpenSSL 0.9.8x (or higher). It is available from RTI’s Support Portal, or you may obtain it from another source.

You will need your username and password to log into the portal; these are included in the letter confirming your purchase or evaluation copy. If you do not have this letter, please contact license@rti.com.

Once you have logged into the portal, select the Downloads link, then select the appropriate version of RTI Secure WAN Transport and OpenSSL for your platform.

If you need help with the download process, contact support@rti.com.

RTI Secure WAN Transport: Distribution files follow the naming convention,

RTI_Secure_WAN_Transport-5.0.x-<architecture>.tar.gz (or .zip on Windows systems), where <architecture> will match your system architecture and x is a release-specific num- ber. (System architecture names are described in the RTI Secure WAN Transport Release Notes.) For example:



OpenSSL: Distribution files follow the naming convention, openssl-<version>- <arch>.tar.gz (or .zip on Windows systems), where <arch> will match your system archi- tecture. (System architecture names are described in the RTI Secure WAN Transport Release Notes.) For example:




2 Installation Instructions

You do not need administrator privileges. All directory locations are meant as examples only; adjust them to suit your site.

2.1Linux/Solaris Systems

1.Make sure you have GNU's version of the tar utility, gtar (which handles long file names), and GNU's version of the unzip utility, gunzip.

2.Install Secure WAN Transport on top of RTI Connext™ (formerly RTI Data Distribution Ser- vice). After installation, the rtiwanserver application will be located in the <NDDSHOME>/scripts directory (the same place where you will find rtiddsgen, rtid- dsping, etc.):

a.Move the downloaded file, RTI_Secure_WAN_Transport-5.0.x-<arch>.tar.gz, to the same directory where you installed Connext 5.0.x. For instance, if you already have /local/rti/ndds.5.0.x, then move the downloaded file to /local/rti and change to that directory:

>cd /local/rti

b.Use gunzip to uncompress the file. For example (your filename will be different):

>gunzip RTI_Secure_WAN_Transport-5.0.x-sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2.tar.gz

c.Use gtar to extract the distribution from the uncompressed file. For example:

>gtar xvf RTI_Secure_WAN_Transport-5.0.x-sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2.tar

This will extract files into the existing ndds.5.0.x directory; including placement of the rtiwanserver application in /local/rti/ndds.5.0.x/scripts.

d.Include $NDDSHOME/scripts in your PATH environment variable, if it is not already included:

>setenv PATH $NDDSHOME/scripts:$PATH

e.Include $NDDSHOME/lib/sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2 in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH envi- ronment variable, if it is not already included:



f.To verify your installation, enter:

> rtiwanserver -help

You should see a response similar to:

Usage: rtiwanserver [options] ...



Display this information

-address <string>

Server address (default: gethostname() output)

-port <integer>

Server port (default:


-verbosity <integer> Log verbosity [0-5]

(default:1-exceptions -)

3. Install OpenSSL 0.9.8x:


Installation Instructions

a.Move the downloaded OpenSSL distribution file to a directory of your choice, such as /local/rti, and change to that directory:

>cd /local/rti

b.Use gunzip to uncompress the OpenSSL file. For example (your filename may be dif- ferent):

>gunzip openssl-0.9.8x-sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2.tar.gz

c.Use gtar to extract the distribution from the uncompressed file. For example:

>gtar xvf openssl-0.9.8x-sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2.tar

This will extract files into /local/rti/openssl-0.9.8x.

d. Include the resulting /bin directory in your PATH:

> setenv PATH \ /local/rti/openssl-0.9.8x/sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2/bin:$PATH

e. Include the resulting /lib directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH \ /local/rti/openssl-0.9.8x/sparcSol2.10gcc3.4.2/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

f.To verify your installation, enter:

> openssl version

You should see a response similar to:

OpenSSL 0.9.8x

This completes the installation process. Please see Available Documentation (Section 3).

2.2Windows Systems

1.Install Secure WAN Transport on top of RTI Connext (formerly RTI Data Distribution Ser- vice). After installation, the rtiwanserver application will be located in the <NDDSHOME>/scripts directory (the same place where you will find rtiddsgen, rtid- dsping, etc.):

a.Right-click the distribution file and extract the contents in the same directory where you installed Connext 5.0.x. For instance, if you already have c:\rti\ndds.5.0.x, then extract to c:\rti.

b.Add RTI Secure WAN Transport’s scripts directory to your Path environment variable if it is not already included: %NDDSHOME%\scripts. (If you need help with this process, please see the RTI Core Libraries and Utilities Getting Started Guide.)

c.Add RTI Secure WAN Transport’s lib directory to your Path environment variable if it is not already included: %NDDSHOME%\lib\<arch>. (If you need help with this process, please see the RTI Core Libraries and Utilities Getting Started Guide.)

d.To verify your installation, open a command prompt and enter:

>rtiwanserver -help

You should see a response similar to:

Usage: rtiwanserver [options] ...





Display this information

-address <string>


address (default: gethostname() output)

-port <integer>


port (default: 3478)

-verbosity <integer>

Log verbosity [0-5] (default: 1-exceptions-)


2.Install OpenSSL 0.9.8x:

a.Right-click the distribution file and extract the contents in a directory of your choice. We suggest using the same directory where you installed Connext. For instance, if you already have c:\Program Files\RTI\ndds.5.0.x, then extract to c:Program Files\RTI. The extracted files will be in c:\rti\openssl-0.9.8x.

b.Add the resulting bin directory to your Path environment variable: c:\rti\openssl- 0.9.8n\<architecture>\bin. (If you need help with this process, please see the RTI Core Libraries and Utilities Getting Started Guide.)

c.To verify your installation, open a command prompt and enter:

> openssl version

You should see a response similar to:

OpenSSL 0.9.8x

This completes the installation process. Please see Available Documentation (Section 3).

3 Available Documentation

The following documentation is provided with the RTI Secure WAN Transport distribution:

RTI Secure WAN Transport Release Notes


RTI Core Libraries and Utilities User’s Manual (<NDDSHOME>/doc/pdf/ RTI_CoreLibrariesAndUtilities_UsersManual.pdf)

Online (HTML) Connext documentation:

Open <NDDSHOME>/ndds.html, then select RTI Secure WAN Transport.

Example code: <NDDSHOME>/example/<language>/helloWorldWAN.

The API Reference Manual, RTI_Secure_WAN_Transport_API.pdf. This is the same as the Online API HTML documentation listed above, except in PDF format.