The schema defines a layout for the NATO Friendly Force Identification (NFFI) XML message format. This message is used to exchange track information between NATO and national Force Tracking System (FTS). Version: NFFI 1.4 Purpose: provides track data. Format: A single NFFI message can be empty (no track information). The track data is provided in 'track' element of type 'trackType'. The number of elements in a single NFFI message is unbounded. Purpose: Provides data related to a track. The data is divided into five sections - positional data ('positionalData' element), unit identification data ('identificationData' element), unit operational status data ('operStatusData' element), device specific data ('deviceSpecificData' element), and non-standard detailed data ('detailData'). A single track can be uniquely identified by a combination of values in 'trackSource' and 'dateTime' elements from 'positionalData' section. Format: A single track contains one and only one 'positionalData' element. It is a mandatory element. All the other elements, i.e. 'identificationData', 'operStatusData', 'deviceSpecificData', and 'detailData' are optional. Purpose: section of positional and track identification data. Defines a structure of 'positionalData' element, which is a mandatory field in an element of 'trackType' type. Format: Contains a set of elements which all together constitute positional data. as well as a set attributes for security labeling. Every element type is defined separately. Purpose: unambiguous identification of data source. Format: contains a value being a combination of data on the device that transmitted the data and the system which releases the data. The value has to be unique for every device/system in order to unambiguously identify the source of information. Purpose: track data source identification. Format: identifies track data owner/producer (system that releases the data, country (optional) which controls the system and sub-system (optional)). Only the system value is used for unique identification. Purpose: National allegiance of the track data source. Format: String of ISO 3166-1 three letter-codes. Full list of values is in STANAG 1059 ed.8. Purpose: Identification of the system which releases data. Format: string of up to 30 characters. Following characters are permissible: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], period, comma, colon, asterisk, and dash. Purpose: Data transmitting device identification / originator identification. Format: String of up to 60 characters. Following characters are permissible: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], period, comma, colon, asterisk, and dash. Purpose: Effective date and time that are referred to UTC time (see Reference : C2IEDM v 6.15a). Format: ISO 8601 for date and time representation in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss format (14 digits) YYYY = YEAR (4 digits), MM = MONTH (2 digits), DD = DAY (2 digits), hh = HOUR (2 digits), mm = MINUTE (2 digits), ss = SECOND (2 digits). Example :"05 of March 2005, 09 h 10 m 23 s" = 20050305091023. Purpose: object coordinates. Format: 2/3D geographical coordinates including latitude and longitude (mandatory) and altitude (optional). Purpose: Angular distance north or south of the earth's equator (see Reference ): WGS 84). Format: Numeric data in range including -90, 90. Value in decimal degrees. Purpose: Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England (see Reference : WGS 84). Format: Numeric data in range excluding -180, including 180. Value in decimal degrees. Purpose: The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (see Reference : AAP-6(2006)). Format: Numeric data in meters msl. Purpose: The rotational measurement clockwise from the line of true North to the direction of motion of a specific track (see References : C2IEDM v 6.15e, JC3IEDM ed.3, US BFT COI EIS v.0.1). Format: Numeric representation in range including 0 and excluding 360 of the bearing value in decimal degree. Purpose: Speed value of the platform that holds the tracking device. Format: Numeric representation of the speed value in Km per hours. Purpose: The rotational measurement from the horizontal plane to the direction of motion of a specific battlespace object at a specific location where the positive angle is vertically upward (see References : JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v.0.1). Format: Numeric representation in range including 0, excluding 360. Value in decimal degrees. Purpose: the specific value that represents (for intelligence purpose) the general appraisal of the source in graded terms to indicate the extent to which it has been proven it can be counted on or trusted in to do as expected (see References : C2IEDM v 6.15e, JC3IEDM ed.3). Format: Following values are permissible: “COMPLETELY RELIABLE”, “USUALLY RELIABLE”, “ FAIRLY RELIABLE”, “NOT USUALLY RELIABLE”, “UNRELIABLE”, “RELIABILITY CANNOT BE JUDGED”. Example: For FFT this could refer, for instance, to reported units of combat id sensing. Purpose: The one-dimensional linear distance representing the uncertainty in the horizontal plane in terms of probable circular error for a battlespace object. E.g. usually in GPS devices it is a single value which refers to a location of an absolute point described by longitude and latitude (see References : JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v.0.1). Format: A non-negative numerical value in meters. Purpose: The one-dimensional linear distance representing the uncertainty in terms of probable error range for the vertical axis of a battlespace object (see References : JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v 0.1). Format: A non-negative numeric value in metres. Purpose: The rotational measurement of a sector that represents the uncertainty range in the estimate of the bearing at a specific location. The sector is bisected by the bearing (see References : C2IEDM v 6.15e, JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v.0.1). Format: a non-negative numeric value in range up to and excluding 360. It represents units of degrees. Purpose: The numeric value that denotes the uncertainty range in the estimate for the speed at a specific location where the speed estimate falls at the centre of the accuracy range (see References : C2IEDM v 6.15e, JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v.0.1) Format: a non-negative numeric value in kilometres per hour. Purpose: The rotational measurement of a vertical sector that represents the uncertainty range in the estimate of the inclination at a specific location. The sector is bisected by the inclination (see References : JC3IEDM ed.3 and US BFT COI EIS v.0.1). Format: A non-negative numeric value in range up to and excluding 360. It represents units of degrees. Purpose: identification of the unit that is associated with data in the 'positionalData' section. Usually needed for a standard situation display. Purpose: Unit (graphical) symbol ID Format: String of fifteen characters ([A-Z], [0-9], dash) as specified in APP-6(A), Annex B - Symbol Id Coding. Purpose: (short) Unit designator. Format: Free text, possibly following agreed naming conventions, up to 21 characters. If also 'unitSymbol' is specified, the designator need only be unique within the country specified in the 'unitSymbol'. Following characters are permissible: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], period, comma, colon, asterisk, dash and space. Reference for format : APP-6(A), 505 Symbol Modifiers. Purpose: provides information on operational status of the unit associated with data in 'positionalData' section. Format: All elements of the section are optional. Purpose: Radius of a circular area in which the represented unit operates, measured from the centre as specified by ‘coordinates.latitude’ and ‘coordinates.longitude’ elements. Format: Numeric representation of the unit coverage value in meters. Purpose: Number of vehicles represented by the track. Format: Numeric data in range including 0 up to 65535. Purpose: The specific value that represents the operational status of the represented unit (see Reference : AAP-6(2006) (Operational Readiness)). Format: Following values are permissible: "OPERATIONAL", "SUBSTANTIALLY OPERATIONAL", "MARGINALLY OPERATIONAL", "TEMPORARILY NOT OPERATIONAL", "NOT OPERATIONAL", "NOT KNOWN". Purpose: Emergency state. In general, it is an emergency not only sent before destruction of the FTS equipment. Format: Boolean value representing the emergency state. The value is TRUE if the device is in the emergency state. The detailed nature of the emergency can be explained in “remark” field. Purpose: Additional remarks on the track Format: Free text up to 60 characters. Following characters are permissible: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], period, comma, colon, asterisk, dash and space. Purpose: Gives some flexibility in the future addition of extensions to the message definition. It can be used to include specific ad hoc requirements and/or to carry information that is specific to smaller communities of producers and consumers and require more intimate knowledge of the operating domain. Purpose: Identify the nation or organization responsible for creating, maintaining, and implementing the security policy to be applied to the information. The security policy is understood as a set of rules for protecting information against unauthorized discloser, while maintaining authorised access, and preventing loss of unauthorized modification. The policy bodies of different security domains must agree on a common understanding of the handling requirements for information of a particular sensitivity. After the understanding exists, mappings from one security policy to another can be created (see Reference EAPC(AC/322-SC/5)N(2006)0008). Format: Free text up to 50 characters. Example: NATO, NATO/EAPC, NATO/PFP, NATO/EU, NATO/RUSSIA, NATO/UKRAINE. National use includes: USA, FRA, GBR, NLD, etc. Purpose: Security markings that indicate the sensitivity level of the information (see Reference : EAPC(AC/322-SC/5)N(2006)0008). Format: Free text of up to 30 characters. Example: as defined in AC/322-D(2004)0021 and in "Guidance on the use of metadata element descriptions for use in NDMS": UNMARKED, UNCLASSIFIED, RESTRICTED, CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and COSMIC TOP SECRET. Purpose: Indication of an additional, specific sensitivity, or a dissemination control, or an informational marking on which no automated access control is performed (see Reference : EAPC(AC/322-SC/5)N(2006)0008). Format: string of up to 256 characters. Examples: special category designator include ATOMAL, CRYPTO, SIOP, SIOP ESI. Dissemination Limitation Markings include EXCLUSIVE, INTELLIGENCE, LOGISTICS, OPERATIONS. Release categories include RELEASABLE TO, RELEASABLE FOR (e.g. RELEASABLE TO ISAF or RELEASABLE FOR INTERNET TRANSMISSION). Administrative markings include MANAGEMENT, STAFF, PERSONAL, MEDICAL, COMMERCIAL.