
In this article, we’ll tackle all the possible ways that Admin Console could fail while trying to load your Python environment and using Graphical Data Publishing (GDP). We’ll provide clear instructions on why it’s failing in each scenario and possible solutions. Python Executable not found This ...
119 reads — 0 comments
By default, RTI Connext Micro will let the Network stack select the interface that will be used to receive multicast traffic. This is done by simply using INADDR_ANY (which translates to when setting the socket option to join a multicast group (that is IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP). While this works ...
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The shared memory built-in transport in RTI Connext uses IPC segments and semaphores under the hood to perform DDS communication between DomainParticipants. It is important that those IPC resources are not destroyed while RTI Connext applications are using them. Failure to do so may result in ...
317 reads — 0 comments
Achieving low jitter and more deterministic write times and real-time performance requires in-depth tuning at the OS layer and DDS layer. It tends to involve a long list of recommendations to apply e.g. you can see advice online that involves similar checklists. This article summarizes best practices, and we recommend exploring and testing all the recommendations listed here. ...
1014 reads — 0 comments
The multiple APIs of Connext have an internal concept named User Storage, which is used to store API-specific data required for certain features. This concept is normally part of the DomainParticipant entities and is configured through code as a QoS. While the APIs will configure this concept ...
6958 reads — 0 comments
There are three steps to take to configure Connext Micro not to use multicast. Set disable_auto_interface_config to true. Micro will scan the system for available interfaces and use them. Note, however, when this is set to true, Micro relies on just the manually added interfaces. Add an interface ...
783 reads — 0 comments
When using asynchronous publication and Best Effort reliability, you may see the warning: PRESWriterHistoryDriver_completeBeAsynchPub:!make_sample_reclaimable in topic 'MyTopic' This warning message may be caused by a small history depth you are configuring. Since you are using asynchronous ...
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