Reading Data (Input) ==================== .. highlight:: javascript Getting the input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To read/take samples, first get a reference to the :class:`Input`: .. code-block:: input = connector.getInput('MySubscriber::MySquareReader') :meth:`Connector.getInput()` returns an :class:`Input` object. This example, obtains the Input defined by the ``data_reader`` named *MySquareReader* within the ```` named *MySubscriber*: .. code-block:: xml This ```` is defined inside the ```` selected to create this ``connector`` (see :ref:`Creating a new Connector`). Reading or taking the data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call :meth:`Input.take()` to access and remove the samples:: input.take() or :meth:`` to access the samples but leave them available for a future ``read()`` or ``take()``:: The method :meth:`Input.wait()` can be used to identify when there is new data available on a specific :class:`Input`. It returns a ``Promise`` that will be resolved when new data is available, or rejected if the supplied timeout expires. You can wait for the ``Promise`` using ``await`` in an async function:: await input.wait() input.take() Or using the ``then`` method:: input.wait() .then(() => { input.take() }) The method :meth:`Connector.wait()` has the same behavior as :meth:`Input.wait()`, but the returned promise will be resolved when data is available on *any* of the :class:`Input` objects within the :class:`Connector`:: await connector.wait() You can also install a listener in a :class:`Connector`. :class:`Connector` inherits from `EventEmitter `__. If a listener for the ``on_data_available`` event is attached to a :class:`Connector`, this event will be emitted whenever new data is available on any :class:`Input defined within the :class:`Connector`. .. code-block:: // Store all the inputs in an array const inputs = [ connector.getInput('MySubscriber::MySquareReader'), connector.getInput('MySubscriber::MyCircleReader'), connector.getInput('MySubscriber::MyTriangleReader') ] // Install the listener connector.on('on_data_available', () => { // One or more inputs have data inputs.forEach(input => { input.take() for (const sample of input.samples.validDataIter) { // Access the data } } }) For more information on how to use the event-based notification, refer to the `documentation of the events module `__. The `web_socket example `__ shows how to use this event. .. warning:: There are additional threading concerns to take into account when using the ``on_data_available`` event. Refer to :ref:`Additional considerations when using event-based functionality` for more information. .. note:: When using the event-based methods to be notified of available data, errors are propagated using the ``error`` event. See :ref:`Error Handling` for more information. Accessing the data samples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After calling :meth:`` or :meth:`Input.take()`, :attr:`Input.samples` contains the data samples: .. code-block:: for (const sample of input.samples) { if (sample.validData) { console.log(JSON.stringify(sample.getJson())) } } :meth:`SampleIterator.getJson()` retrieves all the fields of a sample. If you don't need to access the meta-data (see :ref:`Accessing sample meta-data`), the simplest way to access the data is to use :attr:`Samples.validDataIter` to skip samples with invalid data: .. code-block:: for (const sample of input.samples.validDataIter) { // It is not necessary to check the sample.validData field console.log(JSON.stringify(sample.getJson())) } It is also possible to access an individual sample: .. code-block:: // Obtain the first sample in the Input's queue const theSample = input.samples.get(0) if (theSample.validData) { console.log(JSON.stringify(theSample.getJson())) } Both of the iterables shown above also provide iterator implementations, allowing them to be incremented outside of a ``for`` loop: .. code-block:: const iterator = input.samples.validDataIter.iterator() let sample = // sample.value contains contains the current sample and sample.done is a // boolean value which will become true when we have iterated over all of // the available samples console.log(JSON.stringify(sample.value.getJson())) .. warning:: All the methods described in this section return generators. Calling read/take again invalidates all generators currently in use. :meth:`Samples.getJson` can receive a ``fieldName`` to only return the fields of a complex member. In addition to ``getJson``, you can get the values of specific primitive fields using :meth:`SampleIterator.getNumber()`, :meth:`SampleIterator.getBoolean()` and :meth:`SampleIterator.getString()`, for example: .. code-block:: for (const sample of input.samples.validDataIter) { const x = sample.getNumber('x') const y = sample.getNumber('y') const size = sample.getNumber('shapesize') const color = sample.getString('color') } See more information and examples in :ref:`Accessing the data`. Accessing sample meta-data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every sample contains an associated *SampleInfo* with meta-information about the sample: .. code-block:: for (const sample of input.samples) { const sourceTimestamp ='source_timestamp') } See :attr:`` for the list of available meta-data fields. *Connext DDS* can produce samples with invalid data, which contain meta-data only. For more information about this, see `Valid Data Flag `__ in the *RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries User's Manual*. These samples indicate a change in the instance state. Samples with invalid data still provide the following information: * The :class:`SampleInfo` * When an instance is disposed (``'instance_state')`` is ``'NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED'``), the sample data contains the value of the key that has been disposed. You can access the key fields only. See :ref:`Accessing key values of disposed samples`. Matching with a publication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The method :meth:`Input.waitForPublications()` can be used to detect when a compatible DDS publication is matched or unmatched. It returns a promise that resolves to the change in the number of matched publications since the last time it was called:: // From within an async function. Otherwise, use the .then() syntax let changeInMatches = await input.waitForPublications() For example, if 1 new compatible publication is discovered within the specified ``timeout``, the promise will resolve to 1; if a previously matching publication no longer matches, it resolves to -1. You can obtain information about the existing matched publications through the :attr:`Input.matchedPublications` property: .. code-block:: input.matchedPublications.forEach((match) => { pubName = } Class reference: Input, Samples, SampleIterator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Input class ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: Input :members: Samples class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: Samples :members: SampleIterator class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: SampleIterator :members: ValidSampleIterator class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: ValidSampleIterator :members: SampleInfo class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: SampleInfo :members: