RTI Connector for JavaScript
1. Introduction to RTI Connector
1.1. How to read this documentation
2. Getting Started
2.1. Installing RTI Connector for JavaScript
2.2. Running the examples
3. Defining a DDS System in XML
3.1. Data types
3.2. Domain library
3.3. Participant library
3.4. Quality of service
3.4.1. Logging
4. Loading a Connector
4.1. Import the Connector package
4.2. Creating a new Connector
4.3. Closing a Connector
4.4. Getting the Inputs and Outputs
4.5. Class reference: Connector
5. Writing Data (Output)
5.1. Getting the Output
5.2. Populating the data sample
5.3. Writing the data sample
5.4. Matching with a subscription
5.5. Class reference: Output, Instance
5.5.1. Output class
5.5.2. Instance class
6. Reading Data (Input)
6.1. Getting the input
6.2. Reading or taking the data
6.3. Accessing the data samples
6.4. Accessing sample meta-data
6.5. Matching with a publication
6.6. Class reference: Input, Samples, SampleIterator
6.6.1. Input class
6.6.2. Samples class
6.6.3. SampleIterator class
6.6.4. ValidSampleIterator class
6.6.5. SampleInfo class
7. Advanced Topics
7.1. Accessing the data
7.1.1. Using JSON objects vs accessing individual members
7.1.2. Accessing basic members (numbers, strings and booleans)
7.1.3. Accessing structs
7.1.4. Accessing arrays and sequences
7.1.5. Accessing optional members
7.1.6. Accessing unions
7.1.7. Accessing key values of disposed samples
7.2. Threading model
7.2.1. Additional considerations when using event-based functionality
7.3. Error Handling
7.3.1. Class reference: DDSError, TimeoutError Error class TimeoutError class
7.4. Connext DDS Features
7.4.1. General features
7.4.2. Features related to sending data
7.4.3. Features related to receiving data
7.4.4. Features related to the type system
7.4.5. Loading Connext DDS Add-On Libraries
8. Release Notes
8.1. Supported Platforms
8.2. Version 1.1.1
8.3. Version 1.1.0
8.3.1. What’s New in 1.1.0 Support added for ARMv8 architectures Support added for Node.js version 12 Sample state, instance state and view state can now be obtained in Connector Support for accessing the key values of disposed instances Connector for Javascript dependencies now locked to specific versions Support for Security, Monitoring and other Connext DDS add-on libraries
8.3.2. What’s Fixed in 1.1.0 Creating two instances of Connector resulted in a license error Some larger integer values may have been corrupted by Connector’s internal JSON parser Support for loading multiple configuration files Creating a Connector instance with a participant_qos tag in the XML may have resulted in a license error Websocket example may have failed to run
8.4. Version 1.0.0
9. Copyrights and License
RTI Connector for JavaScript
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