Exception Codes
[Infrastructure Module]

<<eXtension>> Exception codes. More...


enum  DDS_ExceptionCode_t {
 Error codes used by the DDS_TypeCode class. More...

Detailed Description

<<eXtension>> Exception codes.

These exceptions are used for error handling by the Type Code Support API.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Error codes used by the DDS_TypeCode class.

Exceptions are modeled via a special parameter passed to the operations.

DDS_NO_EXCEPTION_CODE  No failure occurred.

This class is based on a similar class in CORBA.


This class is based on a similar class in CORBA.

DDS_BAD_PARAM_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_CODE  Exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered illegal.
DDS_NO_MEMORY_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_CODE  Exception thrown when there is not enough memory for a dynamic memory allocation.
DDS_BAD_TYPECODE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_CODE  Exception thrown when a malformed type code is found (for example, a type code with an invalid TCKind value).
DDS_BADKIND_USER_EXCEPTION_CODE  The exception BadKind is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on a TypeCode object.
DDS_BOUNDS_USER_EXCEPTION_CODE  A user exception thrown when a parameter is not within the legal bounds.
DDS_IMMUTABLE_TYPECODE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_CODE  An attempt was made to modify a DDS_TypeCode that was received from a remote object.

The built-in publication and subscription readers provide access to information about the remote DDSDataWriter and DDSDataReader entities in the distributed system. Among other things, the data from these built-in readers contains the DDS_TypeCode for these entities. Modifying this received DDS_TypeCode is not permitted.

DDS_BAD_MEMBER_NAME_USER_EXCEPTION_CODE  The specified DDS_TypeCode member name is invalid.

This failure can occur, for example, when querying a field by name when no such name is defined in the type.

See also:
DDS_BAD_MEMBER_ID_USER_EXCEPTION_CODE  The specified DDS_TypeCode member ID is invalid.

This failure can occur, for example, when querying a field by ID when no such ID is defined in the type.

See also:

RTI Connext C++ API Version 4.5f Copyright © 17 Mar 2012 Real-Time Innovations, Inc