Distributed Logger API  Version 1.6a [build 00]
c.ifc File Reference

RTI Distributed Logger (DL) structs and functions. More...

#include "rti_dl/rti_dl_dll_c.h"
#include "log/log_makeheader.h"
#include "log/log_dll.h"
#include "osapi/osapi_type.h"
#include "ndds/ndds_c.h"
#include "ndds/ndds_config_c.h"
#include "dds_c/dds_c_log_impl.h"
#include "dds_c/dds_c_infrastructure.h"


RTIDLCDllExport RTI_DL_DistLoggerRTI_DL_DistLogger_getInstance ()
 Provides access to the RTI_DL_DistLogger singleton.
RTIDLCDllExport DDS_ReturnCode_t RTI_DL_DistLogger_setFilterLevel (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, DDS_Long newLevel)
 Sets the filter level.
RTIDLCDllExport RTIBool RTI_DL_DistLogger_setOptions (RTI_DL_Options *options)
 Sets the default options for the RTI_DL_DistLogger.
RTIDLCDllExport RTIBool RTI_DL_DistLogger_setRTILoggerPrintFormat (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, NDDS_Config_LogPrintFormat logPrintFormat)
 Sets PrintFormat of the RTI Logger.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_setRTILoggerVerbosityByCategory (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, NDDS_Config_LogCategory category, NDDS_Config_LogVerbosity verbosity)
 Updates the LogCategory and the LogVerbosity in the RTI Logger.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_logMessageWithLevelCategory (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, int logLevel, const char *message, const char *category)
 Logs a message at the specified level and with the specified category.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_fatal (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a fatal message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_severe (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a severe message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_error (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a error message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_warning (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a warning message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_notice (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a notice message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_info (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a info message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_debug (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a debug message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_trace (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, const char *message)
 Logs a trace message.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_DistLogger_log (RTI_DL_DistLogger *self, int logLevel, const char *message)
 Logs a message.
RTIDLCDllExport DDS_ReturnCode_t RTI_DL_DistLogger_finalizeInstance ()
 Finalizes and delete the RTI_DL_DistLogger singleton.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Utility_sleep (int ms)
 Block the calling thread for the specified duration.
RTIDLCDllExport RTI_DL_OptionsRTI_DL_Options_createDefault ()
 Allocate memory for a RTI_DL_Options struct and set the default values needed to create the Distributed Logger.
DDS_DomainParticipant * 
RTI_DL_Options_getDomainParticipant (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets current Domain Participant.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setDomainParticipant (RTI_DL_Options *self, DDS_DomainParticipant *domainParticipant)
 Sets current Domain Participant.
RTIDLCDllExport RTIBool RTI_DL_Options_isRemoteAdministrationEnabled (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets whether remote administration is enabled or not.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setRemoteAdministrationEnabled (RTI_DL_Options *self, RTIBool enabled)
 Enables or disables remote administration.
RTIDLCDllExport int RTI_DL_Options_getFilterLevel (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the log level.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setFilterLevel (RTI_DL_Options *self, int filterLevel)
 Sets the log level.
RTIDLCDllExport int RTI_DL_Options_getDomainId (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the current domain id.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setDomainId (RTI_DL_Options *self, int domainId)
 Sets the current domain id.
RTIDLCDllExport char * RTI_DL_Options_getQosLibrary (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the Qos Library.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setQosLibrary (RTI_DL_Options *self, const char *qosLibrary)
 Sets the Qos Library.
RTIDLCDllExport char * RTI_DL_Options_getQosProfile (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the Qos Profile.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setQosProfile (RTI_DL_Options *self, const char *qosProfile)
 Sets the Qos Profile.
RTIDLCDllExport int RTI_DL_Options_getQueueSize (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the maximum queue size.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setQueueSize (RTI_DL_Options *self, int queueSize)
 Sets the maximum queue size.
RTIDLCDllExport struct
DDS_ThreadSettings_t * 
RTI_DL_Options_getThreadSettings (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the thread settings of the publishing thread.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setThreadSettings (RTI_DL_Options *self, const struct DDS_ThreadSettings_t *threadSettings)
 Sets the settings of the publishing thread.
RTIDLCDllExport char * RTI_DL_Options_getApplicationKind (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the application kind.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setApplicationKind (RTI_DL_Options *self, const char *applicationKind)
 Sets the application kind.
RTIDLCDllExport RTIBool RTI_DL_Options_getEchoToStdout (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Gets the current value of echoToStdout.
RTIDLCDllExport void RTI_DL_Options_setEchoToStdout (RTI_DL_Options *self, RTIBool echoToStdout)
 Sets the value of echoToStdout.
RTIDLCDllExport RTI_DL_OptionsRTI_DL_Options_delete (RTI_DL_Options *self)
 Release memory for a RTI_DL_Options struct. Checks whether the pointer exists or not.

Detailed Description

RTI Distributed Logger (DL) structs and functions.

Distributed Logger API Version 1.6a [build 00] Copyright © Thu Aug 30 2012 Real-Time Innovations, Inc