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Customizing Behavior: QoS Configuration

Almost every object in the Connext DDS API is associated with QoS policies that govern its behavior. These policies govern everything from the amount of memory the object may use to store incoming or outgoing data, to the degree of reliability required, to the amount of meta-traffic that the middleware will send on the network, and many others. The following is a short summary of just a few of the available policies:

You can specify an object's QoS two ways: (a) programmatically, in your application's source code or (b) in an XML configuration file. The same parameters are available, regardless of which way you choose. For complete information about all of the policies available, see Chapter 4 in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries User's Manual or see the API Reference HTML documentation.

The examples covered in this document are intended to be configured with XML files.

By default, examples are copied into your home directory the first time you run RTI Launcher or any script in <NDDSHOME>/bin. This document refers to the location of the copied examples as <path to examples>.

Wherever you see <path to examples>, replace it with the appropriate path.

Default path to the examples:

Note: You can specify a different location for rti_workspace. You can also specify that you do not want the examples copied to the workspace.

You can find several example configurations, called profiles, in the directory examples/connext_dds/qos. The easiest way to use one of these profile files is to either set the environment variable NDDS_QOS_PROFILES to the path of the file you want, or copy that file into your current working directory with the file name USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml before running your application.

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