You are here: Part 2: Core Concepts > Receiving Data > Using DataReaders to Access Data (Read & Take) > Acknowledging DDS Samples

Acknowledging DDS Samples

DDS samples can be acknowledged one at a time, or as a group.

To explicitly acknowledge a single DDS sample:

DDS_ReturnCode_t acknowledge_sample (
		const DDS_SampleInfo & sample_info);
DDS_ReturnCode_t acknowledge_sample (
		const DDS_SampleInfo & sample_info, 
		const DDS_AckResponseData_t & response_data);

Or you may acknowledge all previously accessed DDS samples by calling:

DDS_ReturnCode_t DDSDataReader::acknowledge_all ()
DDS_ReturnCode_t DDSDataReader::acknowledge_all (
		const DDS_AckResponseData_t & response_data)



is of type DDS_SampleInfo, identifying the DDS sample being acknowledged

response_data is response data sent to the DataWriter upon acknowledgment

These operations can only be used when the DataReader’sRELIABILITY QosPolicy has an acknowledgment_kind set to DDS_APPLICATION_EXPLICIT_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_MODE. You must also set max_app_ack_response_length (in the DATA_READER_RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy (DDS Extension)) to a value greater than zero.

See also: Application Acknowledgment and Guaranteed Delivery of Data.

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