You are here: Part 5: RTI Secure WAN Transport > Introduction to Secure WAN Transport > Certificate Support

Certificate Support

Cryptographic certificates are required to use the security features of the WAN transport. This section describes a mechanism to use the OpenSSL command line tool to generate a simple private certificate authority. For more information, see the manual page for the openssl tool ( or the book, "Network Security with OpenSSL" by Viega, Messier, & Chandra (O'Reilly 2002), or other references on Public Key Infrastructure.

  1. Initialize the Certificate Authority:
    1. Create a copy of the openssl.cnf file and edit fields to specify the proper default names and paths.
    2. Create the required CA directory structure:
       mkdir myCA
       mkdir myCA/certs
       mkdir myCA/private
       mkdir myCA/newcerts
       mkdir myCA/crl
       touch myCA/index.txt
    1. Create a self-signed certificate and CA private key:
  2.  openssl req -nodes -x509 -days 1095 -newkey rsa:2048 \
    -keyout myCA/private/cakey.pem -out myCA/cacert.pem \
    -config openssl.cnf
  3. For each identifying certificate:
  1. You may want to create a copy of your customized openssl.cnf file with default identifying information to be used as a template for certificate request creation; the commands below refer to this file as template.cnf.
  2. Generate a certificate request and private key:
  3.  openssl req -nodes -new -newkey rsa:2048 -config template.cnf \
          -keyout peer1key.pem -out peer1req.pem 
  4. Use the CA to sign the certificate request to generate certificate:
  5.  openssl ca -create_serial -config openssl.cnf -days 365 \
         -in peer1req.pem -out myCA/newcerts/peer1cert.pem
  6. Optionally, append the private key to the peer certificate:
  7.  cat myCA/newcerts/peer1cert.pem peer1key.pem \
    $>${private location}/ peer1.pem

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