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DataWriters/Publishers and DataReaders/Subscribers

In DCPS, applications must use APIs to create entities (objects) in order to establish publish-subscribe communications between each other. The entities and terminology associated with the data itself have been discussed already—Topics, keys, instances, DDS samples. This section will introduce the DCPS entities that user code must create to send and receive the data. Note that Entity is actually a basic DCPS concept. In object-oriented terms, Entity is the base class from which other DCPS classes—Topic, DataWriter, DataReader, Publisher, Subscriber, DomainParticipants—derive. For general information on Entities, see DDS Entities.

The sending side uses objects called Publishers and DataWriters. The receiving side uses objects called Subscribers and DataReaders. Figure 2 illustrates the relationship of these objects.

Figure 2 Overview


The publish-subscribe communications model is analogous to that of magazine publications and subscriptions. Think of a publication as a weekly periodical such as Newsweek®. The Topic is the name of the periodical (in this case the string "Newsweek"). The type specifies the format of the information, e.g., a printed magazine. The user data is the contents (text and graphics) of each DDS sample (weekly issue). The middleware is the distribution service (usually the US Postal service) that delivers the magazine from where it is created (a printing house) to the individual subscribers (people’s homes). This analogy is illustrated in Figure 3. Note that by subscribing to a publication, subscribers are requesting current and future DDS samples of that publication (such as once a week in the case of Newsweek), so that as new DDS samples are published, they are delivered without having to submit another request for data.

Figure 3 An Example of Publish-Subscribe

The publish-subscribe model is analogous to publishing magazines. The Publisher sends DDS samples of a particular Topic to all Subscribers of that Topic. With Newsweek® magazine, the Topic would be "Newsweek." The DDS sample consists of the data (articles and pictures) sent to all Subscribers every week. The middleware (Connext DDS) is the distribution channel: all of the planes, trucks, and people who distribute the weekly issues to the Subscribers.

By default, each DDS sample is propagated individually, independently, and uncorrelated with other DDS samples. However, an application may request that several DDS samples be sent as a coherent set, so that they may be interpreted as such on the receiving side.

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