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Connext DDS Header Files — All Architectures

You must include the appropriate Connext DDS header files, which are listed in Table 1 . The header files that need to be included depend on the API being used.

Table 1 Header Files to Include for Connext DDS (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

Header Files


#include “ndds/ndds_c.h”


#include “ndds/ndds_cpp.h”

C++/CLI, C#, Java


For the compiler to find the included files, the path to the appropriate include directories must be provided. Table 2 lists the appropriate include path for use with the compiler. The exact path depends on where you installed Connext DDS. See Paths Mentioned in Documentation.

Table 2 Include Paths for Compilation (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

Include Path Directories

C and C++



C++/CLI, C#, Java


The header files that define the data types you want to use within the application also need to be included. For example, Table 3 lists the files to be include for type “Foo” (these are the filenames generated by RTI Code Generator, described in Data Types and DDS Data Samples).

Table 3 Header Files to Include for Data Types (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

User Data Type Header Files

C and C++

#include “Foo.h”

#include “FooSupport.h”

C++/CLI, C#, Java


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