You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Configuring QoS with XML > QoS Libraries

QoS Libraries

A QoS Library is a named set of QoS profiles.

One configuration file may have several QoS libraries, each one defining its own QoS profiles.

All QoS libraries must be declared within <dds> and </dds> tags. For example:

    <qos_library name="RTILibrary">
        <!-- Individual QoSs are shortcuts 
             for QoS Profiles with 1 QoS -->
	<datawriter_qos name="KeepAllWriter">
	<!-- Qos Profile -->
		<qos_profile name=

A QoS library can be reopened within the same configuration file or across different configuration files. For example:

	<qos_library name="RTILibrary">
	<qos_library name="RTILibrary">

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