Conditions and WaitSets provide another way for Connext DDS to communicate status changes (including the arrival of data) to your application. While a Listener is used to provide a callback for asynchronous access, Conditions and WaitSets provide synchronous data access. In other words, Listeners are notification-based and Conditions are wait-based.
A WaitSet allows an application to wait until one or more attached Conditions becomes true (or until a timeout expires).
Briefly, your application can create a WaitSet, attach one or more Conditions to it, then call the WaitSet’s wait() operation. The wait() blocks until one or more of the WaitSet’s attached Conditions becomes TRUE.
A Condition has a trigger_value that can be TRUE or FALSE. You can retrieve the current value by calling the Condition’s only operation, get_trigger_value().
There are three kinds of Conditions. A Condition is a root class for all the conditions that may be attached to a WaitSet. This basic class is specialized in three classes:
Figure 7 shows the relationship between these objects and other Entities in the system.
Figure 7 Conditions and WaitSets
A WaitSet can be associated with more than one Entity (including multiple DomainParticipants). It can be used to wait on Conditions associated with different DomainParticipants. A WaitSet can only be in use by one application thread at a time.
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