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Configuring the Persistence Service Application

Each execution of the Persistence Service application is configured using the content of a tag: <persistence_service>. When you start Persistence Service (described in Starting Persistence Service), you must specify which <persistence_service> tag to use to configure the service.

For example:

    <persistence_service name="Srv1">

If you do not specify a service name when you start Persistence Service, the service will print the list of available configurations and then exit.

Because a configuration file may contain multiple <persistence_service> tags, one file can be used to configure multiple Persistence Service executions.

Persistence Service Application Tags lists the tags you can specify for a persistence service. Notice that <participant> is required. For default values, please see the API Reference HTML documentation.

Persistence Service Application Tags

Tags within <persistence_service>


Number of Tags Allowed


Enables and configures remote administration. See Configuring Remote Administration.

0 or 1


Provides a description for the persistence service configuration.


	  Persists in the file system all topics 
	  published with PERSISTENT durability

0 or 1


A DDS_Boolean that indicates whether or not a PRSTDataWriter will purge a DDS sample from its cache once it is acknowledged by all the matching/active DataReaders and all the Durable Subscriptions.

Default: 0

See Configuring Durable Subscriptions in Persistence Service.

0 or 1


For each <participant> tag, Persistence Service creates two DomainParticipants on the same domain ID: one to subscribe to changes and one to publish changes. There may be more Participant pairs created when there are multiple versions of a type (see Support for Extensible Types).

The QoS values used to configure both DomainParticipants are the same, except for:

  • The participant_id in the WIRE_PROTOCOL QosPolicy (DDS Extension)).
  • If participant_id is not -1 (the default value, which means automatic selection),Persistence Service uses participant_id for the first DomainParticipant and participant_id+1 for the second DomainParticipant.

The TCP server ports are configured with the properties dds.transport.tcp.server_bind_port and dds.transport.tcp.public_address. See TCP/TLS Transport Properties.

1 or more (required)


When this tag is present, the topic data will be persisted to disk. You can select between file storage and relational database storage. See Configuring Persistent Storage.

0 or 1


Enables synchronization in redundant persistence service instances.

See Synchronizing of Persistence Service Instances.

Default: Synchronization is not enabled

0 or 1

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