You are here: Part 2: Core Concepts > Data Types and DDS Data Samples > Built-in Data Types > Creating Topics for Built-in Types

Creating Topics forBuilt-in Types

To create a topic for a built-in type, just use the standard DomainParticipant operations, create_topic() or create_topic_with_profile() (see Creating Topics); for the type_name parameter, use the value returned by the get_type_name() operation, listed below for each API.

Note: In the following examples, you will see the sentinel "<BuiltinType>."
For C and Traditional C++: <BuiltinType> = String, KeyedString, Octets or KeyedOctets
For Java and .NET1RTI Connext DDS .NET language binding is currently supported for C# and C++/CLI.: <BuiltinType> = String, KeyedString, Bytes or KeyedBytes

(This step is not required in the Modern C++ API)

Topic Creation Examples

For simplicity, error handling is not shown in the following examples.

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