A DomainParticipant is a container for Entity objects that all belong to the same DDS domain. Each DomainParticipant has its own set of internal threads and internal data structures that maintain information about the Entities created by itself and other DomainParticipants in the same DDS domain. A DomainParticipant is used to create and destroy Publishers, Subscribers and Topics.
Once you have a DomainParticipant, you can use it to perform the operations listed in . For more details on all operations, see the API Reference HTML documentation. Some of the first operations you’ll be interested in are create_topic(), create_subscriber(), and create_publisher().
Note: Some operations cannot be used within a listener callback, see Restricted Operations in Listener Callbacks.
Working with ... |
Operation |
Description |
Reference |
Builtin Subscriber |
get_builtin_subscriber |
Returns the builtin Subscriber. |
Domain-Participants |
add_peer |
Adds an entry to the peer list. |
enable |
Enables the DomainParticipant. |
equals |
Compares two DomainParticipant’s QoS structures for equality. |
get_discovered_participant_data |
Provides the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData for a discovered DomainParticipant. |
get_discovered_participants |
Provides a list of DomainParticipants that have been discovered. |
get_domain_id |
Gets the domain ID of the DomainParticipant. |
get_listener |
Gets the currently installed DomainParticipantListener. |
get_qos |
Gets the DomainParticipant QoS. |
ignore_participant |
Rejects the connection to a remote DomainParticipant. |
remove_peer |
Removes an entry from the peer list. |
set_listener |
Replaces the DomainParticipantListener. |
set_qos |
Sets the DomainParticipant QoS. |
set_qos_with_profile |
Sets the DomainParticipant QoS based on a QoS profile. |
Content-Filtered-Topics |
create_contentfilteredtopic |
Creates a ContentFilteredTopic that can be used to process content-based subscriptions. |
create_contentfilteredtopic_with_filter |
delete_contentfilteredtopic |
Deletes a ContentFilteredTopic. |
register_contentfilter |
Registers a new content filter. |
unregister_contentfilter |
Unregisters a new content filter. |
lookup_contentfilter |
Gets a previously registered content filter. |
DataReaders |
create_datareader |
Creates a DataReader with a given DataReaderListener, and an implicit Subscriber. |
create_datareader_with_ |
Creates a DataReader based on a QoS profile, with a given DataReaderListener, and an implicit Subscriber. |
delete_datareader |
Deletes a DataReader that belongs to the ‘implicit Subscriber.’ |
get_default_datareader_qos |
Copies the default DataReaderQoS values into the provided structure. |
ignore_subscription |
Rejects the connection to a DataReader |
set_default_datareader_qos |
Sets the default DataReaderQos values. |
set_default_datareader_ |
Sets the default DataReaderQos using values from a QoS profile. |
DataWriters |
create_datawriter |
Creates a DataWriter with a given DataWriterListener, and an implicit Publisher. |
create_datawriter_with_ |
Creates a DataWriter based on a QoS profile, with a given DataWriterListener, and an implicit Publisher. |
delete_datawriter |
Deletes a DataWriter that belongs to the ‘implicit Publisher.’ |
ignore_publication |
Rejects the connection to a DataWriter. |
get_default_datawriter_qos |
Copies the default DataWriterQos values into the provided DataWriterQos structure. |
set_default_datawriter_qos |
Sets the default DataWriterQoS values. |
set_default_datawriter_ |
Sets the default DataWriterQos using values from a profile. |
Publishers |
create_publisher |
Creates a Publisher and a PublisherListener. |
create_publisher_with_ |
Creates a Publisher based on a QoS profile, and a PublisherListener. |
delete_publisher |
Deletes a Publisher. |
get_default_publisher_qos |
Copies the default PublisherQos values into the provided PublisherQos structure. |
get_implicit_publisher |
Gets the Publisher that is implicitly created by the DomainParticipant. |
get_publishers |
Provides a list of all Publishers owned by the DomainParticipant. |
set_default_publisher_qos |
Sets the default PublisherQos values. |
set_default_publisher_qos_with_profile |
Sets the default PublisherQos using values from a QoS profile. |
Subscribers |
create_subscriber |
Creates a Subscriber and a SubscriberListener. |
create_subscriber_with_ |
Creates a Subscriber based on a QoS profile, and a SubscriberListener. |
delete_subscriber |
Deletes a Subscriber. |
get_default_subscriber_qos |
Copies the default SubscriberQos values into the provided SubscriberQos structure. |
get_implicit_subscriber |
Gets the Subscriber that is implicitly created by the DomainParticipant. |
get_subscribers |
Provides a list of all Subscribers owned by the DomainParticipant. |
set_default_subscriber_qos |
Sets the default SubscriberQos values. |
set_default_subscriber_qos_with_profile |
Sets the default SubscriberQos values using values from a QoS profile. |
Durable |
delete_durable_subscription |
Deletes an existing Durable Subscription. The quorum of the existing DDS samples will be considered satisfied. |
register_durable_ |
Creates a Durable Subscription that will receive all DDS samples published on a Topic, including those published while a DataReader is inactive or before it may be created. RTI Persistence Service will ensure that all the DDS samples on that Topic are retained until they are acknowledged by at least N DataReaders belonging to the Durable Subscription, where N is the quorum count. If the same Durable Subscription is created on a different Topic, RTI Persistence Service will implicitly delete the previous Durable Subscription and create a new one on the new Topic. |
Topics |
create_topic |
Creates a Topic and a TopicListener. |
create_topic _with_profile |
Creates a Topic based on a QoS profile, and a TopicListener. |
delete_topic |
Deletes a Topic. |
get_default_topic_qos |
Copies the default TopicQos values into the provided TopicQos structure. |
get_discovered_topic_data |
Retrieves the BuiltinTopicData for a discovered Topic. |
get_discovered_topics |
Returns a list of all (non-ignored) discovered Topics. |
ignore_topic |
Rejects a remote topic. |
lookup_topicdescription |
Gets an existing locally-created TopicDescription (Topic). |
set_default_topic_qos |
Sets the default TopicQos values. |
set_default_topic_qos_with_profile |
Sets the default TopicQos values using values from a profile. |
find_topic |
Finds an existing Topic, based on its name. |
Flow-Controllers |
create_flowcontroller |
Creates a custom FlowController object. |
delete_flowcontroller |
Deletes a custom FlowController object. |
get_default_flowcontroller_property |
Gets the default properties used when a new FlowController is created. |
set_default_flowcontroller_property |
Sets the default properties used when a new FlowController is created. |
lookup_flowcontroller |
Finds a FlowController, based on its name. |
Libraries and Profiles |
get_default_library |
Gets the default library. |
Getting and Setting DomainParticipant’s Default QoS Profile and Library |
get_default_profile |
Gets the default profile. |
get_default_profile_library |
Gets the library that contains the default profile. |
set_default_profile |
Sets the default QoS profile. |
set_default_library |
Sets the default library. |
MultiTopics |
create_multitopic |
Creates a MultiTopic that can be used to subscribe to multiple topics and combine/filter the received data into a resulting type. |
Currently not supported. |
delete_multitopic |
Deletes a MultiTopic. |
Other |
assert_liveliness |
Manually asserts the liveliness of this DomainParticipant. |
delete_contained_entities |
Recursively deletes all the entities that were created using the "create" operations on the DomainParticipant and its children. |
contains_entity |
Confirms if an entity belongs to the DomainParticipant or not. |
get_current_time |
Gets the current time used by Connext DDS. |
get_status_changes |
Gets a list of statuses that have changed since the last time the application read the status or the Listeners were called. |
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