You are here: Part 2: Core Concepts > Working with DDS Domains > DomainParticipantFactory > Getting and Setting Default QoS for DomainParticipants

Getting and Setting Default QoS for DomainParticipants

To get the default QoS that will be used for creating DomainParticipants if create_participant() is called with DDS_PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT as the qos parameter, use this DomainParticipantFactory operation:

DDS_ReturnCode_t get_default_participant_qos (DDS_DomainParticipantQos & qos)

This operation gets the QoS settings that were specified on the last successful call to set_default_participant_qos() or set_default_participant_qos_with_profile(), or if the call was never made, the default values listed in DDS_DomainParticipantQos.

To set the default QoS that will be used for new DomainParticipants, use the following operations. Then these default QoS will be used if create_participant() is called with DDS_PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT as the ‘qos’ parameter.

DDS_ReturnCode_t set_default_participant_qos (
	const DDS_DomainParticipantQos &qos)


DDS_ReturnCode_t set_default_participant_qos_with_profile (
	const char *library_name, const char *profile_name)


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