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QoS Configuration

Each persistence group and participant has a set of DDS QoSs. There are six tags:

Each QoS is identified by a name. The QoS can inherit its values from other QoSs described in the XML file. For example:

<datawriter_qos name="DerivedWriterQos" base_name="Lib::BaseWriterQos">

In the above example, the writer QoS named 'DerivedWriterQos' inherits the values from the writer QoS 'BaseWriterQos' contained in the library 'Lib'. The HistoryQosPolicy kind is set to DDS_KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS.

Each XML tag with an associated name can be uniquely identified by its fully qualified name in C++ style. For more information on tags, see Configuring QoS with XML

The persistence groups and participants can use QoS libraries and profiles to configure their QoS values. For example:

    <qos_library name="QosLib1">
        <qos_profile name="QosProfile1">
            <datawriter_qos name="WriterQos1">
    <persistence_service name="Srv1">
        <persistence_group name="PerGroup1" filter="*">
            <datawriter_qos base_name="QosLib1::QosProfile1"/>
</dds >

For more information about QoS libraries and profiles see Configuring QoS with XML.

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