You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Troubleshooting > Controlling Messages from Connext DDS > Configuring Logging via XML

Configuring Logging via XML

Logging can also be configured using the DomainParticipantFactory’s LOGGING QosPolicy (DDS Extension) with the tags, <participant_factory_qos><logging>. The fields in the LoggingQosPolicy are described in XML using a 1-to-1 mapping with the equivalent C representation shown below:

struct DDS_LoggingQosPolicy {
	NDDS_Config_LogVerbosity verbosity;
	NDDS_Config_LogCategory category;
	NDDS_Config_LogPrintFormat print_format;   
	char * output_file;

The equivalent representation in XML:


The attribute <is_default_participant_factory_profile> can be set to true for the <qos_profile> tag to indicate from which profile to use <participant_factory_qos>. If multiple QoS profiles have <is_default_participant_factory_profile> set to true, the last profile with <is_default_participant_factory_profile> set to true will be used.

If none of the profiles have set <is_default_participant_factory_profile> to true, the profile with <is_default_qos> set to true will be used.

In the following example, DefaultProfile2 will be used:

<dds xmlns:xsi="" 
    <!-- Qos Library -->
    <qos_library name="DefaultLibrary">
        <qos_profile name="DefaultProfile1"
         is_default_participant_factory_profile ="true">
        <qos_profile name=
         is_default_participant_factory_profile ="true">
        <qos_profile name="DefaultProfile3" is_default_qos="true">

Note: The LoggingQosPolicy is currently the only QoS policy that can be configured using the <participant_factory_qos> tag.

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