You are here: Part 2: Core Concepts > Sending Data > FlowControllers (DDS Extension) > Getting/Setting Properties for a Specific FlowController

Getting/Setting Properties for a Specific FlowController

To get the properties of a FlowController, use the FlowController’s get_property() operation:

DDS_ReturnCode_t DDSFlowController::get_property  
(struct DDS_FlowControllerProperty_t & property)

To change the properties of a FlowController, use the FlowController’s set_property() operation:

DDS_ReturnCode_t DDSFlowController::set_property
(const struct DDS_FlowControllerProperty_t & property)

Once a FlowController has been instantiated, only its token_bucket property can be changed. The scheduling_policy is immutable. A new token.period only takes effect at the next scheduled token distribution time (as determined by its previous value).

The special value DDS_FLOW_CONTROLLER_PROPERTY_DEFAULT can be used to match the current default properties set in the DomainParticipant.

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