You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Transport Plugins > Installing Additional Builtin Transport Plugins with register_transport()

Installing Additional Builtin Transport Plugins with register_transport()

After you create an instance of a transport plugin (see Explicitly Creating Builtin Transport Plugin Instances) , you have to register it.

The builtin transports (UDPv4, UDPv6, and Shared Memory) are implicitly registered by default (if they are enabled via the TRANSPORT_BUILTIN QosPolicy (DDS Extension)). Therefore, you only need to explicitly register a builtin transport if you want an extra instance of it (suppose you want two UDPv4 transports, one with special settings).

The register_transport() operation registers a transport plugin for use with a DomainParticipant and assigns it a network address. (Note: this operation is only available in the APIs other than Java or .NET. If you are using Java or .NET, use the Property QosPolicy to install additional transport plugins.)

NDDS_Transport_Handle_t NDDSTransportSupport::register_transport(
	DDSDomainParticipant * participant_in,
NDDS_Transport_Plugin * transport_in,
const DDS_StringSeq & aliases_in,
const NDDS_Transport_Address_t & network_address_in)



A non-NULL, disabled DomainParticipant.


A non-NULL transport plugin that is currently not registered with another DomainParticipant.


A non-NULL sequence of strings used as aliases to refer to the transport plugin symbolically. The transport plugin will be "available for use" to an Entity contained in the DomainParticipant, if the transport alias list associated with the Entity contains one of these transport aliases. An empty alias list represents a WILDCARD and matches ALL aliases. See Transport Aliases.


The network address at which to register this transport plugin. The least significant will be truncated. The remaining bits are the network address of the transport plugin. See Transport Network Addresses.

Note: You must ensure that the transport plugin instance is only used by one DomainParticipant at a time. See Transport Lifecycles.

Upon success, a valid non-NIL transport handle is returned, representing the association between the DomainParticipant and the transport plugin. If the transport cannot be registered, NDDS_TRANSPORT_HANDLE_NIL is returned.

Note that a transport plugin's class name is automatically registered as an implicit alias for the plugin. Thus, a class name can be used to refer to all the transport plugin instances of that class.

The C and C++ APIs also have a operation to retrieve a registered transport plugin, get_transport_plugin().

NDDS_Transport_Plugin* get_transport_plugin(
DDSDomainParticipant* participant_in, const char* alias_in);

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