You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Configuring QoS with XML > QoS Profiles

QoS Profiles

A QoS profile groups a set of related QoS, usually one per entity, identified by a name. For example:

<qos_profile name="StrictReliableCommunicationProfile">

Duplicate QoS profiles are not allowed. To overwrite a QoS profile, use QoS Profile Inheritance.

There are functions that allow you to create Entities using profiles, such as create_participant_with_profile() (Creating a DomainParticipant), create_topic_with_profile() (Creating Topics), etc.

If you create an entity using a profile without a QoS definition or an inherited QoS definition (see QoS Profile Inheritance) for that class of entity, Connext DDS uses the default QoS.

Example 1:

<qos_profile name=

The DataReader QoS value in the profile BatchStrictReliableCommunicationProfile is inherited from the profile StrictReliableCommunicationProfile.

Example 2:

<qos_profile name="BatchProfile">

The DataReader QoS value in the profile BatchProfile is the default Connext DDS QoS.

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