You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Built-In Topics > Restricting Communication—Ignoring Entities > Supervising Endpoint Discovery

Supervising Endpoint Discovery

It is possible to control for which DomainParticipants endpoint discovery may occur. You can configure this behavior with the enable_endpoint_discovery field in the DISCOVERY QosPolicy (DDS Extension):

When enable_endpoint_discovery is set to FALSE, you have two options after a remote DomainParticipant is discovered:

DDS_ReturnCode_t resume_endpoint_discovery( 
const DDS_InstanceHandle_t & remote_participant_handle)


Setting enable_endpoint_discovery to FALSE enables application-level authentication use cases, in which a DomainParticipant will resume endpoint discovery with a remote DomainParticipant after successful authentication at the application level. The following example shows how to provide access control using this feature:

class MyParticipantBuiltinTopicDataListener :
		public DDSDataReaderListener {
	virtual void on_data_available(DDSDataReader *reader);
	// ...
void MyParticipantBuiltinTopicdataListener::on_data_available(
DDSDataReader *reader) { DDSParticipantBuiltinTopicDataDataReader *builtinTopicDataReader =
DDSParticipantBuiltinTopicDataDataReader *) reader; DDS_ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeq data_seq; DDS_SampleInfoSeq info_seq; int = 0; if (builtinTopicDataReader->take( data_seq, info_seq,
DDS_ANY_INSTANCE_STATE)!= DDS_RETCODE_OK){ // ... error } for (i = 0; i < data_seq.length(); ++i) { if (info_seq[i].valid_data) { DDSDomainParticipant * localParticipant =
builtinTopicDataReader-> get_subscriber()->get_participant(); DDS_ReturnCode_t retCode; // check user_data for access control if (data_seq[i].user_data[0] != 0x9) { retCode = localParticipant-> ignore_participant( info_seq[i].instance_handle); }else { retCode = localParticipant-> resume_endpoint_discovery( info_seq[i].instance_handle) } } } if (builtinTopicDataReader->return_loan( data_seq, info_seq)
!= DDS_RETCODE_OK) { // ... error } }

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