RTI Connext Modern C++ API
Version 5.3.1
Entry created when a dds::topic::Topic object is discovered. More...
#include <dds/topic/BuiltinTopic.hpp>
Entry created when a dds::topic::Topic object is discovered.
Data associated with the built-in topic dds::topic::topic_topic_name(). It contains QoS policies and additional information that apply to the remote dds::topic::Topic.
Note: The dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData built-in topic is meant to convey information about discovered Topics. This Topic's samples are not propagated in a separate packet on the wire. Instead, the data is sent as part of the information carried by other built-in topics (dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData and dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData). Therefore TopicBuiltinTopicData DataReaders will not receive any data.
inline |
Get the DCPS key to distinguish entries.
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Get the name of the dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the name of the type attached to the dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Durability policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::DurabilityService policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Deadline policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::LatencyBudget policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Liveliness policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Reliability policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::TransportPriority policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Lifespan policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::DestinationOrder policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::History policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::Ownership policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.
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Get the dds::core::policy::TopicData policy of the corresponding dds::topic::Topic.