Connext DDS Header Files — All Architectures

You must include the appropriate Connext DDS header files, which are listed in Header Files to Include for Connext DDS (All Architectures). The header files that need to be included depend on the API being used.

Header Files to Include for Connext DDS (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

Header Files


#include “ndds/ndds_c.h”


#include “ndds/ndds_cpp.h”

C++/CLI, C#, Java


For the compiler to find the included files, the path to the appropriate include directories must be provided. Include Paths for Compilation (All Architectures) lists the appropriate include path for use with the compiler. The exact path depends on where you installed Connext DDS. See Paths Mentioned in Documentation.

Include Paths for Compilation (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

Include Path Directories

C and C++



C++/CLI, C#, Java


The header files that define the data types you want to use within the application also need to be included. For example, Header Files to Include for Data Types (All Architectures) lists the files to be include for type “Foo” (these are the filenames generated by RTI Code Generator, described in Data Types and DDS Data Samples).

Header Files to Include for Data Types (All Architectures)

Connext DDS API

User Data Type Header Files

C and C++

#include “Foo.h”

#include “FooSupport.h”

C++/CLI, C#, Java


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