5.1. Usage

This section explains how to run Converter from a command line. In particular, it describes:

5.1.1. Starting Converter

Converter runs as a separate application. The script to run the executable is in <NDDSHOME>/bin. (See Section 1.3 for the path to NDDSHOME.)

rticonverter [options]

To start Converter with a default configuration, enter:



Converter is pre-loaded with a builtin configuration that has default settings. See Section 5.2.20.

5.1.2. Converter Command-Line Parameters

The following table describes all the command-line parameters available in Converter. To list the available parameters, run rticonverter -help.

All command-line parameters are optional; if specified, they override the values of any corresponding settings in the loaded XML configuration. See Section 5.2.4 for the XML elements that can be overridden with command-line parameters.

Table 5.1 Converter Command-Line Parameters
Parameter Description
-cfgFile <string> Semicolon-separated list of configuration file paths.
Default: Unspecified
-cfgName Configuration name. This name is used to find a matching <converter> tag in the configuration file.
-D<name>=<value> Defines a variable that can be used as an alternate replacement for XML environment variables, specified in the form $(VAR_NAME).
Note that definitions in the environment take precedence over these definitions.
-help Shows this help.
-verbosity [0-6]
RTI Service verbosity
  • 0 - silent
  • 1 - exceptions (Connext DDS and Converter)
  • 2 - warnings (Converter)
  • 3 - information (Converter)
  • 4 - warnings (Connext DDS and Converter)
  • 5 - tracing (Converter)
  • 6 - tracing (Connext DDS* and Converter)

Default: 1 (exceptions)

-version Prints the program version and exits.