4. Usage

This section explains how to run Cloud Discovery Service from a command-line tool. In particular, it describes:

4.1. Starting Cloud Discovery Service

Cloud Discovery Service runs as a separate application. The script to run the executable is in <NDDSHOME>/bin.

rticlouddiscoveryservice [options]

To start Cloud Discovery Service with a default configuration, enter:


This command will run Cloud Discovery Service indefinitely until you stop it. See Section 4.2.


Cloud Discovery Service is pre-loaded with a builtin configuration that has default settings. See Section 5.6.

Table 4.1 describes the command-line parameters.

4.2. Stopping Cloud Discovery Service

To stop Cloud Discovery Service, press Ctrl-c. Cloud Discovery Service will perform a clean shutdown.

4.3. Command-Line Options

The following table describes all the command-line parameters available in Cloud Discovery Service. To list the available commands, run rticlouddiscoveryservice -h.

Table 4.1 Cloud Discovery Service Command-line Options
Parameter Description
-allowDomain <string> Set of forwarded domain IDs. Remaining domains are ignored.
Default: DOMAIN_LIST_ALL (forward all domains).
Overrides: domain_list/allow_domain_id
-denyDomain <string> Subset of ignored domain IDs from the allowed domains.
Default: empty string (none is ignored)
Overrides: domain_list/deny_domain_id
-cfgFile <string> Path to the configuration file.
Default: (unspecified)
-cfgName <string> Name of the Cloud Discovery Service configuration to be loaded.
It must match a <cloud_discovery_service> tag in the configuration file.
Default: rti.cds.builtin.config.default.
-heapSnapshotDir <dir> Output directory where the heap monitoring snapshots are dumped.
The filename format is RTI_heap_<appName>_<processId>_<index>. Used only if heap monitoring is enabled.
Default: current working directory
-heapSnapshotPeriod <sec> Period at which heap monitoring snapshots are dumped. Enables heap monitoring if > 0.
Default: 0 (disabled)
-help Prints this help and exits.
-ignoreXsdValidation Loads the configuration even if the XSD validation fails.
-listConfig Prints the available configurations and exits.
-maxObjectsPerThread <int> Maximum number of thread-specific objects that can be created.
Default: 2048
-stopAfter <int> Number of seconds the Cloud Discovery Service runs before it stops.
Default: (infinite).
-transport <string> A comma separated list of transport resources, where each resource is specified in the form: [alias:]receive_port
Default: udpv4:7400
Overrides: transport
-verbosity <int>

Controls what type of messages are logged:

0. Silent
1. Exceptions (Connext DDS and Cloud Discovery Service)
2. Warnings (Cloud Discovery Service)
3. Warnings (Connext DDS)
4. Local (Cloud Discovery Service)
5. Remote (Cloud Discovery Service)
6. Activity (Cloud Discovery Service) and Local (Connext DDS)

Each verbosity level, n, includes all the levels less than n.

Default: 1 (Exceptions)

-version Prints the Cloud Discovery Service version and exits.

All the command-line options are optional; if specified, they override the values of their corresponding settings in the loaded XML configuration. See Section 5 for the set of XML elements that can be overriden with command-line options.