19.3.1 Built-in QoS Profiles

Several QoS Profiles are built into the Connext DDS core libraries and can be used as starting points when configuring QoS for your Connext DDSapplications. There are two provided libraries, BuiltinQosLib and BuiltinQosLibExp, which contain different profiles. You can use any of these profiles as base profiles when creating your own XML configurations or simply use these profiles directly in the DDS_*_create_*_with_profile() APIs. There is also a BuiltinQosSnippetLib library, which contains profile "snippets" that can be overlaid upon the profiles to provide additional modifications to your QoS. See QoS Profile Composition for more information.

There are three types of built-in profiles:

The USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file generated by RTI Code Generator contains a profile that inherits from the BuiltinQosLibExp::Generic.StrictReliable profile as an example of how to use these profiles in your own application.

Example use-cases for these profiles:

To see the contents of the built-in QoS profiles:

In <NDDSHOME>/resource/xml, you will find:


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