When multiple DataWriters send data for the same topic, the order in which data from different DataWriters are received by the applications of different DataReaders may be different. Thus different DataReaders may not receive the same "last" value when DataWriters stop sending data.

This policy controls how each subscriber resolves the final value of a data instance that is written by multiple DataWriters (which may be associated with different Publishers) running on different nodes.

This QosPolicy can be used to create systems that have the property of "eventual consistency." Thus intermediate states across multiple applications may be inconsistent, but when DataWriters stop sending changes to the same topic, all applications will end up having the same state.

Each DDS sample includes two timestamps: a source timestamp and a destination timestamp. The source timestamp is recorded by the DataWriter application when the data was written. The destination timestamp is recorded by the DataReader application when the data was received.

This QoS includes the members in Table 7.46 DDS_DestinationOrderQosPolicy.

Table 7.46 DDS_DestinationOrderQosPolicy


Field Name




Can be either:





Can be either:

DDS_INSTANCE_SCOPE_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS - Indicates that data is ordered on a per instance basis if used along with DDS_BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS. The source timestamp of the current sample is compared to the source timestamp of the previously received sample for the same instance. The tolerance check is also applied per instance.

DDS_TOPIC_SCOPE_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS - Indicates that data is ordered on a per topic basis if used along with DDS_BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS. The source timestamp of the current sample is compared to the source timestamp of the previously received sample for the same topic. The tolerance check is also applied per topic.



Allowed tolerance between source timestamps of consecutive DDS samples. Only applies when kind (above) is DDS_BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS.

  • For a DataWriter: The write operation will fail if the source timestamp of the sample is older than the timestamp of the previously written DDS sample by more than the source_timestamp_tolerance.
  • For a DataReader: A DataReader will accept a sample only if the source timestamp is no farther in the future from the reception timestamp than the source_timestamp_tolerance.

This QoS policy can be set for both DataWriters and DataReaders. See Properties for compatibility rules.

For a DataReader:

For the DataWriter:

Although you can set the DESTINATION_ORDER QosPolicy on Topics, its value can only be used to initialize the DESTINATION_ORDER QosPolicies of either a DataWriter or DataReader. It does not directly affect the operation of Connext DDS, see 5.1.3 Setting Topic QosPolicies. Properties

This QosPolicy cannot be modified after the Entity is enabled.

This QoS must be set compatibly between the DataWriter and the DataReader. The compatible combinations are shown in Table 7.47 Valid Reader/Writer Combinations of DestinationOrder.

Table 7.47 Valid Reader/Writer Combinations of DestinationOrder

Destination Order

DataReader requests:



DataWriter offers:







If this QosPolicy is set incompatibly, the ON_OFFERED_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS and ON_REQUESTED_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS statuses will be modified and the corresponding Listeners called for the DataWriter and DataReader respectively. Related QosPolicies Applicable DDS Entities System Resource Considerations

The use of this policy does not significantly impact the use of resources.

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