29.5 Explicitly Instantiating a WAN or Secure Transport Plugin

As described on , there are two ways to instantiate a transport plugin. This section describes the mechanism that includes calling NDDSTransportSupport::register_transport(). (The other way is to use the Property QoS mechanism, described in 29.2 Setting Up a Transport with the Property QoS).


To instantiate a WAN or Secure Transport prior to explicitly registering it with NDDSTransportSupport::register_transport(), use one of the following functions:

NDDS_Transport_Plugin* NDDS_Transport_WAN_new (
const struct NDDS_Transport_WAN_Property_t * property_in)
NDDS_Transport_Plugin* NDDS_Transport_DTLS_new (
const struct NDDS_Transport_DTLS_Property_t * property_in)

See the API Reference HTML documentation for details on these functions.

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