13.1.3 Scenario 3. DataReader Joins after DataWriter Leaves Domain (Durable Data)

In this scenario, a DomainParticipant joins a domain, creates a DataWriter, publishes some data on a Topic and then shuts down (gracefully or due to a fault). Later, a DataReader joins the domain and subscribes to the data. Persistence Service is running.

Depending on whether Durable Data is enabled for the Topic, the DataReader may or may not receive the data previous published by the DataWriter. This is illustrated in Figure 13.3: Durable Data. For more information, see 13.5 Data Durability

Figure 13.3: Durable Data

This third scenario is similar to 13.1.1 Scenario 1. DataReader Joins after DataWriter Restarts (Durable Writer History) except that in this case the DataWriter does not need to restart for the DataReader to get the data previously written by the DataWriter. This is because Persistence Service acts as an intermediary that stores the data so it can be given to late-joining DataReaders.

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