28.2 WAN Locators

The WAN transport does not use simple IP addresses to locate peers. A WAN transport locator consists of a WAN ID, which is an arbitrary 12-byte value, and a bottom 4-byte value that specifies a fallback local IPv4 address. Your peers list (NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS) must be configured to look for peers with locators of the form:

A DomainParticipant using the WAN transport will have to initialize the DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy’s initial_peers field with the WAN locator addresses corresponding to the peers to which it wants to connect to. The value of initial_peers can be set using the environment variable NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS or the NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS configuration file. (See 15.2 Configuring the Peers List Used in Discovery.)

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