21. Connext DDS Threading Model

This chapter describes the internal threads that Connext DDS uses for sending and receiving data, maintaining internal state, and calling user code when events occur such as the arrival of new DDS data samples. It may be important for you to understand how these threads may interact with your application.

A DomainParticipant uses three main types of threads:

The actual number of threads depends on the configuration of various QoS policies as well as the implementation of the transports used by the DomainParticipant to send and receive data. In addition, other threads might be created for specific purposes:

Through various QosPolicies, the user application can configure the priorities and other properties of the threads created by Connext DDS. In real-time systems, the user often needs to set the priorities of all threads in an application relative to each other for the proper operation of the system.

For information on checking thread names, see 25.5 Identifying Threads Used by Connext DDS.

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