.. include:: ../../../router.1.0/srcDoc/vars.rst .. _section-Product-Admin: RTI Administration Console ************************** The following issues may affect backward compatibility in *Admin Console* starting in Release 6.0.0. *Admin Console* is affected by changes in |CONNEXT|. Therefore, you should refer to :numref:`section-General` and :numref:`section-Product-Core` for compatibility information that may affect *Admin Console*. See also compatibility information for *Routing Service* (:numref:`section-Product-Routing`) and *Recording Service* (:numref:`section-Product-Recording`). New Default GUID Generator Mode =============================== See information about this change in :numref:`section-General-GUID`. New GTK+ and Cairo Dependencies =============================== To run *Admin Console* on a Linux platform, *Admin Console* requires at least GTK+ 2 version 2.24.0 and its dependencies. *Admin Console* also needs to have at least Cairo version 1.9.4 and its dependencies. As a result of these dependencies, *Admin Console* might not be able to run on some operating systems, such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (which has an older version of GTK+ 2). .. _section-Admin-Micro: Connext DDS Micro Compatibility =================================== |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.11 and below does not communicate with any |CONNEXT| 6.0.0 product, due to a change in the RTPS version number introduced in 6.0.0. (See :link_connext_omg_release_notes:`"Fixes Related to OMG Specification Compliance" in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes <>`.) Therefore, when you view |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.11 applications or below in *Admin Console* 6.0.0, you may not see the entities at all or you may not see the endpoints (|DWs| and |DRs|). If you need |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.11 applications or below to communicate with |CONNEXT| 6.0.0 applications, see the article `Workaround for discovery failure between RTI Connext DDS Micro 2.4.11 and RTI Connext DDS 6.0.0 `_ or contact RTI Support at support@rti.com. This issue has been fixed in |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.12, which does communicate with a |CONNEXT| 6.0.x product.