RTI Distributed Logger API  Version 6.1.0
RTI Distributed Logger API Documentation
Real-Time Innovations, Inc.

RTI Distributed Logger is an API that allows publishing log messages to a DDS Topic. This will allow your distributed application to send log messages that can be monitored using RTI Monitor or RTI Admin Console.

Generally, this API is used by an external logging infrastructure, such as RTI Logger, to distribute the logging messages using RTI Connext DDS. It is also possible to use the API directly, creating your own logging infrastructure.

General Usage.

We strongly recommend that you use one of our shipped examples as a guideline to configure and use the RTI Distributed Logger.

In general, the steps to customize and use the RTI Distributed Logger are the followings:

  1. Customize your RTI Distributed Logger using RTI Distributed Logger Options API. These options must be assigned to the RTI Distributed Logger singleton before creating it for the first time.
  2. Assign the newly created options to the RTI Distributed Logger using RTI_DL_DistLogger_setOptions.
  3. Acquire an RTI_DL_DistLogger instance using RTI_DL_DistLogger_getInstance. Make sure the instance was not created before or the option setup will have no effect.
  4. Finally, send your own log messages using RTI Distributed Logger logging functions: RTI_DL_DistLogger_error, RTI_DL_DistLogger_fatal,... The internal RTI Logger's log messages will be sent automatically once the RTI Distributed Logger is created (no additional configuration required).

For details on the logging and filter levels used to by the RTI Distributed Logger, refer to the function RTI_DL_DistLogger_setFilterLevel and the main IDL file: <RTI Connext Installation Folder>/resource/idl/distlog.idl.

You can learn how to use RTI Distributed Logger through the Core Libraries User's Manual or our shipped examples.

Feedback and Support for this Release.

For more information, visit our knowledge base, accessible from http://community.rti.com/ to see sample code, general information on RTI Connext, performance information, troubleshooting tips, and technical details.

By its very nature, the knowledge base is continuously evolving and improving. We hope that you will find it helpful. If there are questions that you would like to see addressed or comments you would like to share, please send email to suppo.nosp@m.rt@r.nosp@m.ti.co.nosp@m.m. We can only guarantee a response for customers with a current maintenance contract or subscription. To purchase a maintenance contract or subscription, contact your local RTI representative (see http://www.rti.com/company/contact.html), send an email request to sales.nosp@m.@rti.nosp@m..com, or call +1 (408) 990-7400.

Please do not hesitate to contact RTI with questions or comments about this release. We welcome any input on how to improve RTI Distributed Logger and RTI Connext to suit your needs.