.. include:: /../getting_started/vars.rst .. _section-Product-Micro: RTI Connext DDS Micro ********************** New Installation Procedure ========================== Starting with release 3.0.0, |CONNEXT| *Micro* is now distributed as an *RTI Connext* platform package. |CONNEXT| *Micro* is installed as any other additional package from RTI. See :link_connext_gsg_install_600:`Installing Connext DDS <>`. |CONNEXT| *Micro Security SDK* is also now distributed as an RTI package. If you use it, you must install it on top of the |CONNEXT| *Micro* package. The :link_connext_micro_usersman_300:`Connext DDS Micro User’s Manual <>` is also available from the Help panel in *RTI Launcher*. You can find information about how to build |CONNEXT| *Micro* in the *Connext DDS Micro User's Manual.* In order to build and use |CONNEXT| *Micro*, you must export the source outside the installation directory, since this directory is typically not writeable. In the *RTI Launcher* Utilities Tab, the “Copy Micro SDK” button is used for this purpose. Click the icon to open a dialog box where you can specify a destination folder. After you export the source, build the |CONNEXT| *Micro* libraries, then regenerate and recompile your code, as described in the :link_connext_micro_install_usersman_300:`installation section of the Connext DDS Micro User’s Manual <>`. Change In Documentation ======================= Starting with release 3.0.0, the :link_connext_micro_usersman_300:`Connext DDS Micro User’s Manual <>` is separate from the API Reference HTML documentation. The *User’s Manual* is now also available in PDF format. See also the :link_connext_micro_release_notes_300:`Connext DDS Micro Release Notes <>`. Application Binary Interface ============================ |CONNEXT| *Micro* does not provide Application Binary Interface (ABI) compatibility with previous versions of |CONNEXT| *Micro*. Therefore, an application compiled using a version of |CONNEXT| *Micro* prior to 3.0.0 must be recompiled when moving to a version of |CONNEXT| *Micro* at or after 3.0.0. |CONNEXT| *Micro* is distributed in source form. In most cases, after compiling the |CONNEXT| *Micro* libraries from the source, upgrading an application requires you to recompile your source using the new header files and link with the new libraries built from the |CONNEXT| *Micro* source. In some cases, minor modifications to your application code might be required; any such changes are noted in this Migration Guide. To upgrade to this release, first review the information in :numref:`section-General` and in :numref:`section-Product-Index` to see what modifications you may need to make to your application code. You may also want to see :link_connext_whats_new_600:`What's New in 6.0.0 <>`, as well as the :link_connext_micro_release_notes_300:`Connext DDS Micro Release Notes 3.0.0 <>`, to see what is new or changed in this release. Then recompile your source using the new header files and link the new libraries. APIs ==== The following Application Program Interfaces (APIs) have been changed or deprecated in 3.0.0. For new APIs, see the :link_connext_micro_release_notes_300:`Connext DDS Micro Release Notes 300 <>`. Wchar and wstring language binding changes ------------------------------------------ See information about this change in :numref:`section-General-wchar_wstring`. RTI_CERT compilation flag not supported in this release ------------------------------------------------------- |CONNEXT| *Micro* 3.0.x has not been through a certification process, and the certifiable feature set has not been defined. For this reason, the ``RTI_CERT`` compilation flag is not supported in this release. Support for this flag will be introduced again when the certifiable feature set has been defined. Generated code compatibility ---------------------------- For |CONNEXT| *Micro* applications defining types in IDL, XML, or XSD, moving from a previous |CONNEXT| *Micro* version to |CONNEXT| *Micro* 3.0.x requires code regeneration and recompilation. You will need to regenerate the code for your application types using the *Code Generator* shipped with this release. The regeneration process is very simple; you only need to run the new version of *Code Generator* using the original input IDL file. (You should see a message that says you are running ``rtiddsgen`` version 3.0.1.) This process will regenerate the header and source files, which can then be compiled along with the rest of your application. Default UDP socket buffer size on QNX changed to 64KB ----------------------------------------------------- In 3.0.0, the default socket buffer size on QNX has changed from 256KB to 64KB. You can change the default socket buffer sizes when you configure the UDP transport. Please refer to the :link_connext_micro_usersman_300:`Connext DDS Micro User’s Manual <>` for more information. .. _section-Micro-Core: Connext DDS Compatibility ========================= Although |CONNEXT| *Micro* 3.0.x interoperates with |CONNEXT| 6.0.x, |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.11 and below does not communicate with any |CONNEXT| 6.0.x product, due to a change in the RTPS version number introduced in 6.0.0. (See :link_connext_omg_release_notes:`"Fixes Related to OMG Specification Compliance" in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes <>`.) If you need |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.11 applications or below to communicate with |CONNEXT| 6.0.x applications, see the article `Workaround for discovery failure between RTI Connext DDS Micro 2.4.11 and RTI Connext DDS 6.0.0 `_ or contact RTI Support at support@rti.com. This issue has been fixed in |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.12, which does communicate with a |CONNEXT| 6.0.x product.