9. Release Notes

9.1. Supported Platforms

RTI Web Integration Service is supported on the platforms in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 Supported Platforms


Operating System

Linux® (Intel® CPU)

All Linux platforms on x64 CPUs in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes for the same version number.

Linux (Arm® CPU)

Ubuntu® 16.04 and 18.04 LTS on Arm v8 CPU


All macOS platforms in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes with the same version number.


All Windows platforms in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes for the same version number.

Note: POSIX®-compliant architectures that end with “FACE_GP” are not supported.

Web Integration Service is also supported on the platforms in Table 9.2; these are target platforms for which RTI offers custom support. If you are interested in these platforms, please contact your local RTI representative or email sales@rti.com.

Table 9.2 Custom Supported Platforms

Operating System



RTI Architecture Abbreviation

RedHawk™ Linux 6.5

PPC™ x64

gcc 4.9.2


Yocto Project® 2.5

Arm v8

gcc 7.3.0


9.2. Compatibility

For backward compatibility information between Web Integration Service 6.0.1 and previous releases, please see the Migration Guide on the RTI Community portal.

9.3. What’s New in 6.1.1

9.3.1. New platforms

  • macOS 11 (Big Sur) (Arm v8)

  • macOS 11 (Big Sur) (x64)

    This release has validated that the libraries for architecture x64Darwin17clang9.0 can also be used on macOS 11 (Big Sur) systems with x64 CPUs.

For more information on these platforms, see the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Platform Notes for this release.

9.3.2. Third-Party software upgrades

The following third-party software used by Web Integration Service has been upgraded:

Table 9.3 Third-Party Software Changes

Third-Party Software

Previous Version

Current Version
















Some of these upgrades may fix potential vulnerabilities. See Fixes related to vulnerabilities.

For information on third-party software used by Connext DDS products, see the “3rdPartySoftware” documents in your installation: <NDDSHOME>/doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/release_notes_3rdparty.

9.4. What’s Fixed in 6.1.1

9.4.1. Malformed WebSocket handshake messages may have caused a segmentation fault

Web Integration Service’s WebSocket API requires client applications to initiate communication with a HELLO message, which provides all the necessary information to complete a handshake (e.g., content type, protocol version, and API keys). HELLO messages must be encoded as a colon-separated string of name-value pairs (each terminated by a carriage return and line-feed character sequence).

In Web Integration Service 6.1.0, a malformed HELLO message may have caused an unhandled error that lead to a crash in some cases. This issue has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID WEBINT-208]

9.4.2. Race condition when closing WebSocket connection caused a segmentation fault

Web Integration Service’s WebSocket API requires a WebSocket connection. When that connection was bound to one or more data readers, there was a race condition if the connection was closed while Web Integration Service was sending a message to it. This caused the connection to be removed from the service’s memory, followed by a segmentation fault. This issue has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID WEBINT-208]

9.5. Previous Release

9.5.1. What’s new in 6.1.0 New platforms

Web Integration Service now includes support for these platforms:

  • macOS 10.15 (x64)

  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7.6 (x64)

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Arm v8)

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (x64)

  • Yocto Project® 2.5 (Arm v8) (custom-supported target platform)

For more information on these platforms, see the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Platform Notes for this release. Removed platforms

These platforms are no longer supported:

  • 32-bit Linux and Windows platforms

  • macOS 10.12

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Support for WebSockets

This release introduces support for WebSockets (WS) and Secure WebSockets (WSS) in Web Integration Service, so it will allow web applications to interact through these protocol in a DDS environment. For more information, see WebSocket API. Upgraded to CivetWeb v1.13

Web Integration Service has upgraded the version of its embedded web server, CivetWeb, to v1.13. For more information on CivetWeb, please see the Release Notes on GitHub: https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/RELEASE_NOTES.md#release-notes-v113.

9.6. Known Issues

9.6.1. Configurations and their applications cannot use same name

Due to current limitations in Connext DDS’s XML Parser, the name of the Web Integration Service configuration tag and the name of the applications within that configuration cannot be the same. For example:

<web_integration_service name="ShapesDemo">
    <application name="ShapesDemo"/>

To workaround this limitation, use different names for the service configuration tag and the applications within. For example:

<web_integration_service name="ShapesDemo">
    <application name="ShapesDemoApplication"/>

[RTI Issue ID CORE-3542]