.. include:: ../../vars.rst .. _section-administration-tutorial-step-2: Step 2: Distributed System at a Glance ====================================== In this step, you will see how |AC| provides insights about your distributed system in one central view. We will walk through the content of various panels. ============================== Physical and DDS Logical Trees ============================== .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut2_physicalAndddsLogicalTree.png :alt: Physical and logical tree :name: Physical and logical tree :align: center :figWidth: 100% .. |WARNING_ICON| image:: ../../_static/administration/branding/icons/warning.png .. |ERROR_ICON| image:: ../../_static/administration/branding/icons/error.png The System tree offers a hierarchical view of your distributed system. Expand the root System node and the node with the name of your host to see the list of running services. If there are warnings or errors associated with an entity, you will see the warning |WARNING_ICON| or error |ERROR_ICON| icon attached to the entity's icon. If you click on a node, a new tab with details about that entity will open in the main view. =============== System Overview =============== .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut2_sysTab.png :alt: System View tab :name: System View tab :align: center :figWidth: 100% .. Note:: The entity counts in the screenshot are not reflective of those from this tutorial. Click on the root node named "System" to open the System details page. You will see a few summary views: * The list of domains you are currently connected to. Clicking on "Connected to domains" will bring you to the preferences page, where you can decide how you want |AC| to manage domains (automatically or manually). * A System Graphical View that represents all the entities that were discovered by |AC|. The different entities are represented with nodes (hosts, processes, domains, etc.). * An Entity Info panel with a summary of the whole system if nothing is selected in the graphical view, or specific information about the selected entity in the System Graphical View. =============== Processes Table =============== .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/processesView.png :alt: Processes view table :name: Processes view table :align: center :figWidth: 100% The Processes table provides a summary view of all the running processes and RTI services. Locate the distributed application example that was started in the previous step. Click on it to see the log messages from this process. See :ref:`section-administration-tutorial-step-6` for details on the options for viewing the distributed :ref:`Log`. Relevant reference topics: * :ref:`section-administration-view-physical` * :ref:`section-administration-view-dds-logical`