RTI Connext Traditional C++ API  Version 6.1.2

RTI Connext return-code exceptions. More...


class  connext::RuntimeException
 Generic, unspecified error. More...
class  connext::LogicException
 Base class of all RTI Connext exceptions caused by a logic error. More...
class  connext::UnsupportedException
 Unsupported operation. More...
class  connext::BadParameterException
 Illegal parameter value. More...
class  connext::PreconditionNotMetException
 A pre-condition for the operation was not met. More...
class  connext::ImmutablePolicyException
 Application attempted to modify an immutable QoS policy. More...
class  connext::InconsistentPolicyException
 Application specified a set of QoS policies that are not consistent with each other. More...
class  connext::NotEnabledException
 Operation invoked on a DDSEntity that is not yet enabled. More...
class  connext::AlreadyDeletedException
 The object target of this operation has already been deleted. More...
class  connext::IllegalOperationException
 The operation was called under improper circumstances. More...
class  connext::TimeoutException
 The operation timed out (does not apply to wait or receive operations) More...
class  connext::OutOfResourcesException
 RTI Connext ran out of the resources needed to complete the operation. More...

Detailed Description

RTI Connext return-code exceptions.

The request-reply API reports internal DDS errors as exceptions. Each RTI Connext return code maps to a exception.

All exceptions inherit from the C++ standard exceptions std::logic_error or std::runtime_error.

Note that RETCODE_TIMEOUT and RETCODE_NO_DATA are not thrown in the request-reply API, because they are not considered errors. For example in case of no data or timeouts operations may return empty containers (e.g. connext::Requester::take_replies(int)) or false (e.g. connext::Requester::wait_for_replies(int, const Duration_t&)).

See also
Return Codes
Error handling example