RTI Secure Wan Transport  Version 6.1.2
WAN Server

How to run the RTI WAN Server. More...

How to run the RTI WAN Server.

The WAN transport requires a rendezvous server, which provides the ability to discover public addresses and to register and look up peer addresses based on a unique WAN ID. This server is based on the STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) protocol [draft-ietf-behave-rfc3489bis], with some extensions. The server must be bound to a network port outside all NATs through which communication must pass.

The RTI WAN Server executable is located in $NDDSHOME/bin.

rtiwanserver [options]
    -help       Display help information
    -address <string>   Server address (default: gethostname() output)
    -port <integer>     Server port (default: 3478)
    -verbosity <integer>       Log verbosity [0-5] (default: 1 - exceptions -)