13. Troubleshooting

This section covers a few issues you may run into while deploying your system with Cloud Discovery Service.


All the issues addressed in this section assume that your applications would communicate directly with each other without Cloud Discovery Service.

13.1. My Applications don’t Communicate

There can be many reasons why your applications may not communicate with Cloud Discovery Service. Nevertheless, below are some of the common issues you may run into.

13.1.1. Make Sure Your Application can Accept Unknown Peers

For DomainParticipants to discover each other through Cloud Discovery Service, they require the ability to accept unknown peers. This is a Discovery QoS setting whose default value is true. Make sure your DomainParticipants are created with this value. For instance, you can add the following XML setting to the <domain_participant_qos> element used by your application:


13.1.2. Check that Your Initial Peers List Points to Cloud Discovery Service

Your applications are required to provide discovery information to Cloud Discovery Service. For that, they must know where Cloud Discovery Service is running. You provide this information through the initial peers list using an RTPS peer descriptor.

You can specify the initial peers list through the Discovery QoS ( programmatically, XML, or the environment). For instance, assuming a Cloud Discovery Service instance is running on UDP, port 7400 and host CDS_HOST:

Listing 13.1 XML
Listing 13.2 Environment Variables
 export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=rtps@udpv4://CDS_HOST:7400

13.1.3. See Where Your Cloud Discovery Service Instance is Listening

To verify that Cloud Discovery Service is actually listening where you specified, you can run with -verbosity LOCAL and look for the following message:

[.../receiver|ENABLE] listening for announcements on:

The message above indicates that Cloud Discovery Service is listening on the interface over the UDPv4 transport on port 10000.

Additionally, make sure the Cloud Discovery Service location is reachable from where your applications run.

13.1.4. Identifying NAT traversal address resolutions

If you’re running in a WAN environment along with RTI Real-Time WAN Transport, you can find out about how Cloud Discovery Service is resolve addresses and for which DomainParticipants. See Debugging Cloud Discovery Service with the UDP WAN Transport for details on how to obtain locator resolution information.

In general, you will need to verify that:

  • Cloud Discovery Service receives announcements from the remote participants and is able to detect their public addresses.

  • Remote participants sit behind Cone NATs.

  • Firewalls/NAT configurations accept incoming traffic from the expected range of public addresses.

13.2. Cloud Discovery Service Log Errors

This section shows a few of the errors that Cloud Discovery Service may show on startup.

13.2.1. Invalid Port

If an invalid port is specified, you may see this error log output:

NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_Socket_bindWithIp:OS bind() failure, error 0: Success
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_Socket_bindWithIp:invalid port 70000
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_SocketFactory_create_receive_socket:invalid port 70000
NDDS_Transport_UDP_create_recvresource_rrEA:!create socket
COMMENDLocalReaderRW_init:!create unicast entryPort

The messages above indicate an error binding a UDP socket to port 70000, which is out of the valid port range for this transport.

13.2.2. Port Already in Use

If a port that is already in use is specified, you may see this error log output:

NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_Socket_bindWithIp:0X1CE8 in use
NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_SocketFactory_create_receive_socket:invalid port 7400
NDDS_Transport_UDP_create_recvresource_rrEA:!create socket
COMMENDLocalReaderRW_init:!create unicast entryPort

The messages above indicate an error binding a UDP socket to port 7400, which is being used by other process.