.. include:: ../vars.rst .. _section-release-notes-main: Supported Platforms =================== *RTI® Recording Service* is supported on the platforms listed in :numref:`TableSupportedPlatformsRecord612`. It can also be deployed as a C++ library linked into your application. This is true for all the platforms in the table: .. list-table:: Supported Platforms :name: TableSupportedPlatformsRecord612 :widths: 20 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Operating System - Version and CPU * - Linux® - All Linux platforms in the *RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes* with the same version number, except NI Linux 3 on Arm® v7. * - macOS® - All macOS platforms in the *RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes* with the same version number. * - QNX® - All QNX Neutrino® 7.0.4 and 7.1 platforms, on x64 and Arm v8 CPUs, in the *RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes* with the same version number. * - Windows® - All Windows platforms in the *RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes* with the same version number. Note: POSIX-compliant architectures that end with "FACE_GP" are not supported. |RECS| is also supported on the platforms in :numref:`TableCustomPlatformsRecord612`; these are target platforms for which RTI offers custom support. If you are interested in these platforms, please contact your local RTI representative or email sales@rti.com. .. list-table:: Custom Platforms :name: TableCustomPlatformsRecord612 :widths: 20 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Platform - Operating System * - Linux - RedHawk® Linux 8.2.1 on x64 * - - TI® Linux on Arm v8 * - - Yocto Project® 2.5 on Arm v8 Compatibility ============= For backward compatibility information between |RECS| 6.1.2 and previous releases, please see the *Migration Guide* on the `RTI Community portal `_.