.. include:: ../vars.rst .. _section-introduction: ************ Introduction ************ .. _RTI Connext DDS Getting Started Guide: https://community.rti.com/static/documentation/connext-dds/6.1.2/doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/getting_started_guide/index.html .. _Getting Started with Admin Console: https://www.rti.com/gettingstarted/adminconsole .. NOTE:: This document assumes you have a basic understanding of *RTI® Connext® DDS* application development and concepts, such as a DDS Domains, DomainParticipants, Topics, DataWriters, and DataReaders. For an overview of these concepts, please see the `RTI Connext DDS Getting Started Guide`_. |RTI_AC| is a tool specifically designed to analyze and visualize your |CONNEXT| system. This tool can show you the discovered information in your system, visualized in a comprehensive way. |AC| lets you visualize your system, explore the configuration of the different |CONNEXT| entities that were discovered, perform remote administration of |CONNEXT| Services such as *RTI Routing Service*, and more. Analyzing and debugging a |CONNEXT| system can be challenging, since data-centric systems are complex and highly distributed. |AC| provides a debugging tool that facilitates the process and helps you interact with the system. In this document, we will explore the different capabilities that |AC| provides, guiding you through the process with examples and describing how to configure your |CONNEXT| system so you can explore those capabilities in an easy and understandable way. How to Read this Documentation ============================== There are three main sections in this document: * :ref:`section-administration-introduction` shows how |AC| offers a centralized tool for monitoring, debugging and administering a |CONNEXT| distributed system. This section shows how to use the Administration View. We will configure a scenario and explain all of |AC|'s features for performing remote administration, visualizing your system, administrating |CONNEXT| Services, analyzing matches, etc. * :ref:`section-data-visualization-introduction` shows how |AC| can visualize the live data currently flowing in a |CONNEXT| system. This section explores how to subscribe to a specific topic and visualize the data through different views, such as time charts or sample logs. * The :ref:`section-release-notes` describe the supported platforms, what's new, and what's fixed in the current release, and any known issues. Getting Started with |AC_HEADING| ================================= See the `Getting Started with Admin Console`_ video to learn more about |AC|'s features and how to get started. The video explains the essentials of using |AC| to troubleshoot, configure and monitor |CONNEXT| Infrastructure Services, and how to get information about the current DDS traffic and configuration. .. _section-Finding-Examples: Finding the Examples ==================== The examples referred to in this document are copied into your home directory the first time you run *RTI Launcher* or any script in ``/bin``. Default path to the examples: - macOS systems: ``/Users/your user name/rti_workspace/version/examples`` - Linux systems: ``/home/your user name/rti_workspace/version/examples`` - Windows systems: ``your Windows documents folder\rti_workspace\version\examples``. Where ``'your Windows documents folder'`` depends on your version of Windows. For example, on Windows 10 systems, the folder is ``C:\Users\your user name\Documents``.