.. include:: ../../vars.rst .. _section-administration-tutorial-step-5: Step 5: Recording Service ========================= In this step, we will look at the Recording Service interface. Click on the Recording Service node in the Physical View or in the Processes View. There are a number of tabs, but we will just review Recording Entities and Recording Configuration. ================== Recording Entities ================== This view contains a tree view with five columns that display the name, state, throughput in samples per second, throughput in bytes per second, and latency data for the service's entities. Press the pause button in the toolbar. Entities labeled "[ Topic ]" transition their states from running to paused. Press the resume button, and the states transition back to running. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_recordingEntities.png :alt: Recording Service entities :name: Recording Service entities :align: center :figWidth: 100% ======================= Recording Configuration ======================= This view contains a display of the service's configuration. Unlike the Routing Service configuration display, this one contains the entire contents of the configuration. It may be possible to copy the text from this configuration and use it in a new configuration file; however, some limitations may exist, such as references to QoS profiles not contained in the original file. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_recordingConfiguration.png :alt: Recording Service configuration :name: Recording Service configuration :align: center :figWidth: 100% ============== Graphical View ============== The Graphical View tab will show the Process View for a specific Recording Service Process. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_recorderProcessView.png :alt: Recording Service process view :name: Recording Service process view :align: center :figWidth: 100% ============ DDS Entities ============ The DDS Entities Tab will provide information about all the entities that are child entities of the current Recording Service. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_recorderDdsEntities.png :alt: Recording Service DDS entities :name: Recording Service DDS entities :align: center :figWidth: 100% ================================= RTI Recording Service Information ================================= The RTI Recording Service information will show specific information about the RTI Recording Service Process, such as the |CONNEXT| version, the domains to which it is connected, creation time or database information where data is being stored. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_recorderRecordingInformation.png :alt: Recording Service recording information :name: Recording Service recording information :align: center :figWidth: 100% =============== Resource Charts =============== The Resource Charts tab shows the CPU and memory consumption of the service over time. .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut5_resourceCharts.png :alt: Recording Service resource chart :name: Recording Service resource chart :align: center :figWidth: 100%