.. include:: ../vars.rst Supported Platforms =================== This release of |RTI_AC| is supported on the platforms in :numref:`TableSupportedPlatformsAdmin612`. For details on these platforms, see the *RTI® Connext® DDS Core Libraries Platform Notes*. .. NOTE:: * POSIX®-compliant architectures that end with "FACE_GP" are not supported. .. list-table:: Supported Platforms :name: TableSupportedPlatformsAdmin612 :widths: 20 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Operating System - Version and CPU * - Linux® - All Linux platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the |CONNEXT| *Core Libraries Release Notes* for the same version number. * - macOS® - All macOS platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the |CONNEXT| *Core Libraries Release Notes* for the same version number. * - Windows® - All Windows platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the |CONNEXT| *Core Libraries Release Notes* for the same version number. |AC| is also supported on the custom target platform in :numref:`TableCustomPlatformsAdmin612`. Contact your RTI sales representative or sales@rti.com for more information. .. list-table:: Custom Supported Platforms :name: TableCustomPlatformsAdmin612 :widths: 20 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Operating System - Version and CPU * - Linux - RedHawk™ Linux 8.2.1 on x64 (x64RedHawk8.2gcc8.3.1) .. NOTE:: When running on a VMWare Virtual Machine, |AC|'s user interface for *RTI Routing Service* may not display correctly. This is because |AC| uses JavaFX, which is not officially supported on VMWare virtualization systems. For more information on supported JavaFX 2 Certified System Configurations, please see: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/supportedconfigurations-1506746.html. .. _section-ac-release-notes-compatibility: Compatibility ============= |AC| is compatible with these components: * *RTI Database Integration Service* * *RTI Distributed Logger* * *RTI Persistence Service* * *RTI Queuing Service* (experimental) * *RTI Recording Service* (including its Replay and Record tools) * *RTI Routing Service* For backward compatibility information between |version| and previous releases for these components, see the *Migration Guide* on the RTI Community Portal (https://community.rti.com/documentation). |AC| has been tested with OpenJDK JDK 11, which is included in the installation package. To run |AC| on a Linux platform: |AC| requires at least GTK™ 3 version 3.20.0 and its dependencies. |AC| does not support the Wayland windowing system. To avoid problems using this windowing system, |AC| uses x11 instead.