4.1. Supported Platforms

This release of RTI Admin Console is supported on the platforms in Table 4.1. For details on these platforms, see the RTI® Connext® DDS Core Libraries Platform Notes.


  • POSIX®-compliant architectures that end with “FACE_GP” are not supported.

Table 4.1 Supported Platforms

Operating System

Version and CPU


All Linux platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes for the same version number.


All macOS platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes for the same version number.


All Windows platforms on x64 CPUs listed in the Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes for the same version number.

Admin Console is also supported on the custom target platform in Table 4.2. Contact your RTI sales representative or sales@rti.com for more information.

Table 4.2 Custom Supported Platforms

Operating System

Version and CPU


RedHawk™ Linux 8.2.1 on x64 (x64RedHawk8.2gcc8.3.1)


When running on a VMWare Virtual Machine, Admin Console’s user interface for RTI Routing Service may not display correctly. This is because Admin Console uses JavaFX, which is not officially supported on VMWare virtualization systems. For more information on supported JavaFX 2 Certified System Configurations, please see: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/supportedconfigurations-1506746.html.

4.2. Compatibility

Admin Console is compatible with these components:

  • RTI Database Integration Service

  • RTI Distributed Logger

  • RTI Persistence Service

  • RTI Queuing Service (experimental)

  • RTI Recording Service (including its Replay and Record tools)

  • RTI Routing Service

For backward compatibility information between 6.1.2 and previous releases for these components, see the Migration Guide on the RTI Community Portal (https://community.rti.com/documentation).

Admin Console has been tested with OpenJDK JDK 11, which is included in the installation package.

To run Admin Console on a Linux platform: Admin Console requires at least GTK™ 3 version 3.20.0 and its dependencies.

Admin Console does not support the Wayland windowing system. To avoid problems using this windowing system, Admin Console uses x11 instead.