.. include:: vars.rst Introduction ************ .. _section-introduction: Introduction ============ *RTI Recording Service* includes the following tools: - |RECS|, an *RTI Connext DDS* application that records Topics and discovery data. |RECS| records updates to data along with a timestamp, so you can view or replay updates to data in your system as they occur over time. Recorded data is stored in SQLite® files by default. |RECS| also has an API to record to a custom data store. - |REPS|, an application that can play back data recorded by |RECS|. |REPS| also has an API to allow plugging in custom storage. - *Converter*, an application that converts binary (serialized) recorded data to deserialized data that can be viewed and queried. The most efficient way to record data is in serialized form. *Converter* allows data to be recorded efficiently, then post-processed into a queryable form. *Converter* also provides APIs to plug in custom storage. The Basics ========== |RECS| is used when you need to record updates to system data over a period of time, and to access that data by time. One example of when you might use the *Recording Service:*  if you are testing your system, you can use |RECS| to record all DDS data updates that occur during a particular test run. Then you can use a database tool or |REPS| to view what happened at specific times during your test. *Recording Service’s* builtin database is a SQLite file. |RECS| can store data in the SQLite database in two formats: - CDR serialized format: This is the format in which data is sent over the network, so it is the most efficient way to store data. It is binary, so it is not queryable. - JSON format:  To store data this way, |RECS| must convert between the network format and the JSON format. This is queryable, but comes at a performance cost. |RECS| also provides an API that allows you to implement your own storage backend.  You will receive the data in serialized format, then use *Connext DDS* dynamic-data APIs to deserialize the data. .. figure:: ./static/image2.png :figwidth: 80 % :alt: Recording Service Overview :name: FigureRecordOverview :align: center |RECS| receives DDS samples over the network and records them to storage, based on their timestamps |REPS| works with data recorded by |RECS|. It uses the timestamps of the recorded data to replay the data back into a DDS system at the original offsets between recorded timestamps. *Replay Service* also offers an API to retrieve your data from the storage of your choice to be replayed. .. figure:: ./static/image8.png :figwidth: 80 % :alt: Replay Service Overview :name: FigureReplayOverview :align: center |REPS| retrieves stored data samples from storage and replays it over DDS, maintaining the original timing of the data *Converter* is a tool that can convert between the data formats used by |RECS|. Currently, the only builtin formats supported by |RECS| are the CDR and JSON formats described above, within a SQLite database. *Converter* allows you to record data in the efficient CDR format and later convert to a queryable JSON format. .. figure:: ./static/image7.png :figwidth: 80 % :alt: Replay Service Overview :name: FigureConverterOverview :align: center *Converter* takes serialized (binary) data and converts it to deserialized JSON data .. _section-doc-paths: Paths Mentioned in Documentation ================================ This documentation refers to: - ```` This refers to the installation directory for *Connext DDS*. The default installation paths are: - macOS® systems: ``/Applications/rti_connext_dds-version`` - Linux® systems, non-root user: ``/home/your user name/rti_connext_dds-version`` - Linux systems, root user: ``/opt/rti_connext_dds-version`` - Windows® systems, user without Administrator privileges: ``\rti_connext_dds-version`` - Windows systems, user with Administrator privileges: ``C:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-version`` You may also see ``$NDDSHOME`` or ``%NDDSHOME%``, which refers to an environment variable set to the installation path. Whenever you see ```` used in a path, replace it with your installation path. **Note for Windows Users:** When using a command prompt to enter a command that includes the path ``C:\Program Files`` (or any directory name that has a space), enclose the path in quotation marks. For example: ``“C:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-version\bin\rticlouddiscoveryservice.bat”`` Or if you have defined the ``NDDSHOME`` environment variable: ``"%NDDSHOME%\bin\rticlouddiscoveryservice.bat"`` - ```` By default, examples are copied into your home directory the first time you run *RTI Launcher* or any script in ``/bin``. This document refers to the location of the copied examples as ````. Wherever you see ````, replace it with the appropriate path. Default path to the examples: - macOS systems: ``/Users/your user name/rti_workspace/version/examples`` - Linux systems: ``/home/your user name/rti_workspace/version/examples`` - Windows systems: ``your Windows documents folder\rti_workspace\version\examples``. Where ``'your Windows documents folder'`` depends on your version of Windows. For example, on Windows 10 systems, the folder is ``C:\Users\your user name\Documents``.