.. include:: ../../vars.rst .. _section-administration-tutorial-step-9: Step 9: Working with RTI Security Plugins ========================================= |AC| is prepared to work with the *RTI Security Plugins*, allowing you to subscribe to those topics just like any other |CONNEXT| entity. ================================================= Before Using RTI Security Plugins in |AC_HEADING| ================================================= In order to use security in |AC|, you must install the *RTI Security Plugins*; for more information see :ref:`section-security-ref-preferences`. ==================================== Configuring Security in |AC_HEADING| ==================================== |AC| will use the Security configuration specified on the Preferences page, under the "Security" section. The following image shows the Security Preferences page: .. figure:: ../../_static/administration/tut9_securityPreferences.png :alt: Security preferences :name: SecurityPreferences :align: center :figWidth: 100% To use the *Security Plugins* with |AC|, you must fill in the data on this page. The following list describes all the fields that appear in the Security Preferences dialog. * **Enable Security for specified Domains**: By default, security is disabled. This checkbox will enable security or not according to the provided domain filter. * **Domain Filter**: Provides the Domains on which security must be enabled in |AC|. Only the domains specified in this field will use security. Use "*" to specify all the domains (this is the default value). To only use specific domains, specify each one separated by a comma, for example, "0,1,2"; or specify a range of domains, such as "0-2". * **Shared Secret Algorithm**: The algorithm used to establish a shared secret during authentication. * **Identity Certificate Authority**: Provides |AC|'s DomainParticipants with the Identity CA. * **Certificate Revocation List**: Provides a Certificate Revocation List to |AC| with information about the digital certificates that have been revoked before their scheduled expiration date and should no longer be trusted. * **Private key**: Provides the Private Key that |AC|'s DomainParticipants must use. * **Identity Certificate**: Provides |AC|'s DomainParticipants with a Private Key. * **Password required**: Indicates if a specific password must be used to decrypt the private key. When checked, the password provided in the password field will be used. * **Password**: Provides the password that will be used to decrypt the Private Key. If the password is wrong, |AC| will fail to create the secure participants and will report this through the Console log. * **Permissions Certificate Authority**: Provides |AC|'s DomainParticipants with the Permissions CA. * **Governance Document**: Provides |AC|'s DomainParticipants with the Governance Document. * **Permissions Document**: Provides |AC|'s DomainParticipants with the Permissions Document. * **Encryption Algorighm**: Indicates the algorithm that the sender uses for encryption transformation. * **Security Logging Verbosity**: Indicates the logging verbosity level. Relevant reference topics: * :ref:`section-security-ref-preferences`