RTI Connext Java API Version 7.1.0

A collection of attributes used to configure how a QoS appears when printed. More...

Public Attributes

int indent = 0
 Conifgures how much additional indent should be added to the string representation of a QoS. More...
boolean print_private = false
 Configures how private QoS policies should be printed. More...
boolean is_standalone = false
 Controls whether or not to print valid XML for this QoS policy (through the inclusion of a preamble). More...

Detailed Description

A collection of attributes used to configure how a QoS appears when printed.

Member Data Documentation

◆ indent

int indent = 0

Conifgures how much additional indent should be added to the string representation of a QoS.

Configures how much additional indent is applied when converting a QoS to a string. This value acts as a total offset on the string, increasing the indent which is applied to all elements by the same amount. With indent set to 0, a string representation of a QoS may appear as:


Setting the indent property to 1, the same QoS would be printed as:


I.e., the entire structure is indented.

[default] 0

◆ print_private

boolean print_private = false

Configures how private QoS policies should be printed.

There are some QoS policies which are not intended for external use. By default, these QoS policies are only printed if they are different to the default value for that policy. When true, private policies are treated like any other policy, and printed if they are different to the supplied base QoS. These private policies cannot be parsed from XML, and are always printed as XML comments.

[default] false

◆ is_standalone

boolean is_standalone = false

Controls whether or not to print valid XML for this QoS policy (through the inclusion of a preamble).

The default value for this property (false) results in QoS being printed starting from the <ENTITY_qos> tag (where the <ENTITY_qos> tag is, e.g., <domain_participant_qos>, or, <datareader_qos>. This result cannot be directly parsed as valid XML (as it lacks <dds>, <qos_library>, and <qos_profile> tags). If is_standalone is set to true, these additional tags are printed, resulting in valid, parseable XML.

For example, with is_standalone set to false, a Qos may appear as:


Setting is_standalone to true would result in the same Qos being printed as:

 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> 
     <qos_library name="QosLibrary"> 
         <qos_profile name="QosProfile"> 

[default] false